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Thiamine catalyzed benzoin condensation failure
Ok, apparently at 30 degrees benzoic acid is 5% soluble in benzaldehyde, but seeing how rapidly solu ...
12-7-2020 at 07:25
by: Tsjerk
Thiamine catalyzed benzoin condensation failure
Benzoic acid is not soluble in benzaldehyde, so it would clearly show up as an impurity.
11-7-2020 at 12:05
by: Tsjerk
Societal collapse: What do you think would be most needed?
You need precious metals, then you can trade those for whatever you need.

Edit: or the means to d ...
10-7-2020 at 04:32
by: Tsjerk
Extraction of silver from mixed silver salts
You can boil the salts with NaOH to convert everything to silver oxide, then filter, wash and re-sus ...
10-7-2020 at 04:29
by: Tsjerk
Steam distillation tubing size?
Steam distillation can be done without an external steam generator. Just put water in the pot, if yo ...
10-7-2020 at 04:02
by: Tsjerk
Bromo-DDT, p,p-dibromo-diphenyl-1,1,1-trichloro-ethane
[rquote=630643&tid=154828&author=Tsjerk]If I would run this synthesis again I wouldn't use a ...
10-7-2020 at 03:46
by: Tsjerk
Super simple sulfuric acid from bisulfate->pyrosulfate->hydrolysis?
The sciencemadness wiki is wrong even more often, because it is checked by way fewer people.

I do ...
10-7-2020 at 03:22
by: Tsjerk
Steam distillation tubing size?
Steam distillation is the same as normal distillation, the only difference is the water in the pot. ...
10-7-2020 at 00:09
by: Tsjerk
OTC glacial acetic acid need help
Give it a good shake, but otherwise a very small amount of water can cause significant lowering of t ...
9-7-2020 at 13:51
by: Tsjerk
DIY Centrifuge?
[rquote=640203&tid=14472&author=draculic acid69][rquote=187400&tid=14472&author=Scie ...
9-7-2020 at 05:52
by: Tsjerk
does autoignition temperature even matter when refluxing a liquid?,
Practically speaking: have you ever tried getting a gas past a condensor which is cooled to 80 degre ...
9-7-2020 at 04:02
by: Tsjerk
does autoignition temperature even matter when refluxing a liquid?,
As long as the condensor is cooled there are no vapors at the exit of the condensor.
8-7-2020 at 02:17
by: Tsjerk
successful method for purifying anthranilic acid(quick report)
Why would higher boiling alkanes work faster? The actual extraction is cold right? And how did you e ...
8-7-2020 at 00:00
by: Tsjerk
What causes the delays in a HCl+xNO3+Cu reaction?
[rquote=640045&tid=155730&author=AJKOER]My advice, test with a small amount of your KNO3 of ...
7-7-2020 at 04:28
by: Tsjerk
Cou's esters megathread
[rquote=639977&tid=155554&author=Cou]Need help removing water from a small scale (0.06 mole) ...
7-7-2020 at 00:02
by: Tsjerk
Airport Chemical Screening
I think these ion mobility spectrometers (as DavidJR pointed out) are quite bad at detecting nitrate ...
6-7-2020 at 07:44
by: Tsjerk
Best general purpose "OTC"-explosive not requiring detonators?
Potassium chlorate is a nice oxidizer in LE mixtures. Just make sure you don't mix it with something ...
6-7-2020 at 02:56
by: Tsjerk
Anhydrous oxalic acid
I have used a microwave to dehydrate oxalic acid. Put the acid in a glass container (borosilicate or ...
6-7-2020 at 02:38
by: Tsjerk
Best general purpose "OTC"-explosive not requiring detonators?
Have you looked for low explosives? If you've got a hole in that backyard rock to put an explosive i ...
6-7-2020 at 00:42
by: Tsjerk
2,2-bipyridine complexes
Yes, quite easily but with a lot of patience, I just let them stand to evaporate. The color of the c ...
5-7-2020 at 23:53
by: Tsjerk
Retort & Stand Questions
It wasn't meant as a joke. And this is a forum, not a chat group, you can bump with new information ...
4-7-2020 at 20:03
by: Tsjerk
Retort & Stand Questions
[rquote=639889&tid=155226&author=Yttrium2]no offense meant

I'm not a professional either ...
4-7-2020 at 19:00
by: Tsjerk
Converting Amine Sulfate into Amine Hydrochloride ?
It is a homework question right? And the question implies a clean product, in that case it doesn't h ...
4-7-2020 at 18:46
by: Tsjerk
Precursors to um… something. Suggestions invited.
Aryl halides bonds are strong compared to alkyl halide bonds, this is because of the resonance in th ...
4-7-2020 at 06:58
by: Tsjerk
Aesthetic Aromatics: Preliminaries
How about mellitic acid? And the anhydride?
4-7-2020 at 02:52
by: Tsjerk
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