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Best general purpose "OTC"-explosive not requiring detonators?
Read the early chapters of The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives located [url=http://library.scienc ...
6-7-2020 at 02:18
by: B(a)P
Retort & Stand Questions
[rquote=639889&tid=155226&author=Yttrium2]no offense meant

I'm not a professional either ...
5-7-2020 at 00:37
by: B(a)P
Retort & Stand Questions
[rquote=639874&tid=155226&author=Yttrium2][rquote=639868&tid=155226&author=B(a)P][rq ...
4-7-2020 at 18:46
by: B(a)P
Retort & Stand Questions
[rquote=639863&tid=155226&author=Yttrium2]really? its got a foot print, how much should it ...
4-7-2020 at 15:59
by: B(a)P
Retort & Stand Questions
The whole thing weighs less than 3 pounds. There is no way the base is heavy enough.
4-7-2020 at 14:40
by: B(a)P
What yields more
Yttrium2 appears to have deleted the original post, which makes this very confusing.
Yttrium2, why ...
4-7-2020 at 01:38
by: B(a)P
How to grow crystals & Why do they form?
There are huge amounts of information on the web about this subject.
One tip is to use changes in ...
4-7-2020 at 01:19
by: B(a)P
Calcium nitrate + Copper Sulfate double displacement not happening....

I think Ihave CAN, which is 27-0-0, which is ...
2-7-2020 at 18:34
by: B(a)P
Containing iodine as liquid
No mater the pressure it can't be a liquid at less than 113.5 C.
2-7-2020 at 17:43
by: B(a)P
Containing iodine as liquid
Nile Red did a good demo on iodine, busting the myth that it doesn't melt at standard pressure.
htt ...
2-7-2020 at 14:27
by: B(a)P
Calcium oxide purity?
@Bedlasky already answered your question on methyl mercury.
Presuming you are not trying make some ...
2-7-2020 at 14:10
by: B(a)P
What yields more
What is the reaction? I would have thought more solid on the bottom of the reaction vessel would red ...
2-7-2020 at 14:01
by: B(a)P
Precursors to um… something. Suggestions invited.
If you are having issues in the classroom you could convert 2-chlorobenzaldehyde to 2-chlorobenzalma ...
1-7-2020 at 21:32
by: B(a)P
Calcium nitrate + Copper Sulfate double displacement not happening....
According to wikipedia -
The fertilizer grade (15.5-0-0 + 19% Ca) is popular in the greenhouse and ...
30-6-2020 at 16:08
by: B(a)P
Calcium nitrate + Copper Sulfate double displacement not happening....
Could it be that you have been sold urea? Take a sample of your liquid and add some NaOH and see if ...
30-6-2020 at 02:38
by: B(a)P
Finally I isolated Sodium (and potassium)
Nicely done and thanks for the write up. Could you please include a picture of two of you retort?
29-6-2020 at 12:26
by: B(a)P
Identification of sodium peroxide octahydrate?
I would say you have sodium hydroxide crystals, have you compared the crystal form to literature?

29-6-2020 at 12:14
by: B(a)P
What phenomenon this is?
[rquote=639294&tid=155668&author=CELamCheng]I dissolved KNO3 in room temperature water and f ...
29-6-2020 at 02:49
by: B(a)P
Measuring pH
[rquote=639336&tid=155665&author=Eddie Current]

How do these pen meters hold up in corros ...
27-6-2020 at 17:34
by: B(a)P
Measuring pH
I have an older version of this one that I use for anything where I need some accuracy. Otherwise I ...
26-6-2020 at 15:36
by: B(a)P
Ag2C2.AGNO3 (DS)
5 grams of acetone was put in a test tube

Imp ...
26-6-2020 at 13:46
by: B(a)P
fire peroxide
You can get 40% peroxide in the mail?!?!?!?!?!
I guess Mars Mail has slightly more relaxed dangerou ...
25-6-2020 at 18:49
by: B(a)P
Anyone else having horrible shipping delays, or is my package lost?
[rquote=639141&tid=155422&author=Cou][rquote=638719&tid=155422&author=B(a)P][rquote= ...
25-6-2020 at 01:59
by: B(a)P
Ag2C2.AGNO3 (DS)
[rquote=638776&tid=15356&author=Vpatent357]"Instead of the conventional synthesis of passing ...
22-6-2020 at 01:11
by: B(a)P
Nitrate salt sources
You can use either an ammonium or potassium sulfate solution added to a calcium nitrate solution to ...
21-6-2020 at 18:08
by: B(a)P
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