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Most easily made sulfate from elemental sulfur (powdered sulfur - flours of sulfur)
I suspect the successful reaction is liquid-solid with only the Sulfur melted, if both reactants mel ...
15-1-2016 at 14:17
by: Bert
Most easily made sulfate from elemental sulfur (powdered sulfur - flours of sulfur)
[rquote=435348&tid=65034&author=aga]Beginning at page 54 of "Simple Chemical Experiments, Al ...
15-1-2016 at 10:21
by: Bert
ETN synthesis problem

a tiny amount completely shattered the aluminium foil shell and shock wave hurt my finger ...
15-1-2016 at 08:17
by: Bert
Homemade mouse/rat poisons

Barium carbonate.

Less likely to kill your dog or cat, not used commercially for a lon ...
14-1-2016 at 22:17
by: Bert
ETN synthesis problem
Pretty crystals. Maybe you should post a copy to the crystal growing thread-

http://www.sciencem ...
14-1-2016 at 09:50
by: Bert
Purifying ammonium sulfate fert
If you intend to use ammonium sulfate for hydroponics, why try to reduce it to a dry powder after cl ...
14-1-2016 at 07:47
by: Bert
Using a small deep fryer as an oil bath
The dip size one takes forever to heat up, and do not get very hot in my experience. Ended up using ...
13-1-2016 at 14:36
by: Bert
Purifying ammonium sulfate fert
Your contaminant is likely Fe- Probably as a sulfate initially, possibly as a hydroxide after heatin ...
13-1-2016 at 09:57
by: Bert
Using a small deep fryer as an oil bath
Done that. Prefered to use it as a sand bath, no oil spills or fires. Scratched up my glass though.
12-1-2016 at 07:26
by: Bert
Silver nitrate as the ultimate catalyst
An oddly stated question. What are you trying to do here, exactly? And what a waste of Silver nitra ...
11-1-2016 at 12:16
by: Bert
Mercury Fulminate from Mercury (II) Nitrate
[rquote=434876&tid=24028&author=hissingnoise]Sorry to introduce a discordant note . . . I 'w ...
11-1-2016 at 09:58
by: Bert
PETN synth
Why don't you do an experiment and verify if Wikipedia is wrong, and report back.


The ...
11-1-2016 at 07:09
by: Bert
Almost free science books (postage only)
Well, energetic materials would be my choice... I already have "dead tree" editions of many of the h ...
9-1-2016 at 21:14
by: Bert
Making a living out of energetic materials
Hey, if you get a visa that permits you to work and are expecting to be in the Midwestern USA, let m ...
8-1-2016 at 17:16
by: Bert
ETN synthesis problem
Perhaps report volumes in cc rather than obsolete Imperial volumes (teaspoons)... Try to give all me ...
7-1-2016 at 21:34
by: Bert
Making a living out of energetic materials
Primarily, outdoor display work as done in the USA is sales, planning, choreography, logistics, setu ...
7-1-2016 at 21:07
by: Bert
welshwing's Thread of Many Questions
[quote]hang the gas mask near the door or not, just in case the fan is not powerful enough.[/quote]
7-1-2016 at 16:42
by: Bert
welshwing's Thread of Many Questions
I believe the OP meant he literally intended to work in an existing bathroom- And use the installed ...
7-1-2016 at 11:01
by: Bert
welshwing's Thread of Many Questions

GO OUTSIDE!!! If the neighbors don't like what they see, build a lean-too.

Get a fire exti ...
7-1-2016 at 08:42
by: Bert
Making a living out of energetic materials
As far as seeing work in energetics, there are multiple branches of the arts. Civil, ranging from co ...
6-1-2016 at 14:27
by: Bert
Ball Mill design for multiple containers & multi-size & use of inert gas usage
Lloyd Sponenbergh's book has rules of thumb for answering your rotational speed questions-

http:/ ...
6-1-2016 at 11:49
by: Bert
Making a living out of energetic materials
What country?
6-1-2016 at 10:53
by: Bert
Fluorinert FC-40
I could see some exciting reactions with finely powdered. Mg, Al or alloys...

Mechanical uses for ...
6-1-2016 at 10:12
by: Bert
welshwing's Thread of Many Questions

6-1-2016 at 09:52
by: Bert
Hydrazine hydrate by calcium hydroxide method
Tons of existing hydrazine related threads here... ...
6-1-2016 at 08:06
by: Bert
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