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Acetic anhydride preparation
I will not force anybody to use this substance, just wa ...
23-10-2020 at 06:22
by: clearly_not_atara
Acetic anhydride preparation
[rquote=647168&tid=9&author=teodor]@clearly_not_atara Why you didn't mention the ketene rout ...
23-10-2020 at 06:12
by: clearly_not_atara
Amateur chemistry from both sides of the table
Probably the worst thing is that the fear of chemistry and anyone doing it means that you can't do c ...
23-10-2020 at 06:09
by: clearly_not_atara
Acetic anhydride preparation
Would anyone who has gone through the pain of r ...
23-10-2020 at 05:44
by: clearly_not_atara
Collaborative newsletter for ScienceMadness??
We had had another similar thread proposing a free journal for home chemistry, with a poll for the n ...
21-10-2020 at 10:04
by: clearly_not_atara
Acid Chlorides
One mole of Ac2O or one mole of AcCl makes no difference; you just add or subtract HCl (easy).

B ...
20-10-2020 at 19:35
by: clearly_not_atara
Acid Chlorides
It's wrong when it says one molecule of sulfur, basically. It should say one mole of sulfur atoms. Y ...
20-10-2020 at 05:59
by: clearly_not_atara
Sodium methoxide from methanol, NaOH and Aluminium
Even easier would be the (as yet hypothetical) reaction between Na2CO3 and solutions of Mg(OMe)2 mad ...
19-10-2020 at 14:43
by: clearly_not_atara
Acid Chlorides
[quote]In the AA sticky there's info on using sicl4 +GAA---> AA
This is easier to make than socl ...
19-10-2020 at 06:31
by: clearly_not_atara
Help in preparation of phosphotungstic acid
That ion exchange resin in [b]Antigua[/b]'s procedure is crucial for obtaining the phosphotungstic a ...
18-10-2020 at 15:12
by: clearly_not_atara
Why are odd elements rarer that even elements ?
Nucleons in nuclei pair up in spin up/down pairs similarly to electrons in orbitals (because they're ...
18-10-2020 at 13:07
by: clearly_not_atara
No one will give me experience, so I will make experience myself, starting from the bottom
[rquote=646555&tid=156331&author=Cou]I'm not sure if the drug test was the cause of the fail ...
15-10-2020 at 15:07
by: clearly_not_atara
Synthesis of para aromatic hydroxyls.
[b]Boffis, Texium[/b]: I am surprised you have both omitted the most famous phenol formylation, the ...
15-10-2020 at 13:45
by: clearly_not_atara
Synthesis of para aromatic hydroxyls.
[rquote=646380&tid=156294&author=Triflic Acid]Can you put a link to the forum with the proce ...
14-10-2020 at 17:26
by: clearly_not_atara
Synthesis of para aromatic hydroxyls.
P-hydroxy benzaldehyde may be obtained by the cleavage of anethole to p-methoxybenzaldehyde and deme ...
13-10-2020 at 05:45
by: clearly_not_atara
[rquote=646249&tid=10296&author=Fyndium]A bayer-villiger synthesis asks for perborate. Can i ...
11-10-2020 at 13:32
by: clearly_not_atara
Are Flamin' Hot Cheetos really that bad?
recommended reading: ...
11-10-2020 at 13:20
by: clearly_not_atara
Acid Chlorides
I wonder if you could oxidise sulfur with KICl4? It's a lot easier to deal with than liquid bromine. ...
10-10-2020 at 08:09
by: clearly_not_atara
Hydrogen Peroxide from Sodium Percarbonate
With boric acid you will form perborate.
[/rquo ...
9-10-2020 at 06:30
by: clearly_not_atara
Hydrogen Peroxide from Sodium Percarbonate
Had the thought that you could react sodium percarbonate with metaboric acid to give the perborate. ...
8-10-2020 at 19:07
by: clearly_not_atara
Another remarkable copper(II) complex
[rquote=644837&tid=15513&author=DraconicAcid]the ammonium chloride refused to dissolve or do ...
7-10-2020 at 08:11
by: clearly_not_atara
Reduction of helional to its amine
You probably produced some helionol (the alcohol) which formed a surfactant-like alkyl sulfate with ...
6-10-2020 at 18:54
by: clearly_not_atara
Can you make p-TSA in situ without too much residual H2SO4?
Atara, but what's the DS trap for th ...
6-10-2020 at 10:03
by: clearly_not_atara
Can you make p-TSA in situ without too much residual H2SO4?
The formation of TsOH is an equilibrium reaction and is reversed in sulfuric acid containing suffici ...
5-10-2020 at 19:21
by: clearly_not_atara
Nitric Acid and Silver Nitrate
My suggestion would just be to cut the silverware in half, dissolve the whole mess in hydrochloric a ...
1-10-2020 at 08:12
by: clearly_not_atara
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