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Stupid Questions
last fucking try to upload shit 30 minutes of bullshit!


[file]67259[/fil ...
12-4-2018 at 04:12
by: XeonTheMGPony
Heating mantle
Picture of the inside of it would help
11-4-2018 at 15:33
by: XeonTheMGPony
Lab Labels
Cool will look into getting those for future bottles. My lab is slowly getting well stocked and want ...
11-4-2018 at 07:20
by: XeonTheMGPony
Lab Labels
Well went with the current I'll just pen in amended details.
11-4-2018 at 04:55
by: XeonTheMGPony
Download and sharing youtube video files
Same I been starting to do it on all the energetic and medication synths, I been studying what they ...
10-4-2018 at 19:14
by: XeonTheMGPony
latest glassware purchase
Well despite the posts best effort my new parts arrived. thanks to deschems excellent packers!

[ ...
10-4-2018 at 16:28
by: XeonTheMGPony
Lab Labels
No apparently a few minor formatting errors snuck through. Fixed them now, the avery templates are n ...
10-4-2018 at 04:08
by: XeonTheMGPony
Lab Labels
must be the phone, I all ways print test sheets on plain paper, just did so to do a alignment check ...
10-4-2018 at 03:58
by: XeonTheMGPony
Lab Labels
I made a set of labels for a small set of my solvents and 1 other reagent, figured I'd share what I ...
10-4-2018 at 03:47
by: XeonTheMGPony
Technical grade acetone purification
Now days the greater majority of therms are pretty well on the money for pretty well all of our nee ...
8-4-2018 at 11:33
by: XeonTheMGPony
Women in Chemistry
[rquote=513004&tid=74018&author=Reboot]I wonder.

Chemistry is inherently dangerous; perha ...
8-4-2018 at 05:12
by: XeonTheMGPony
Women in Chemistry
[rquote=483128&tid=74018&author=JJay]You often hear that there are few women in engineering ...
8-4-2018 at 05:00
by: XeonTheMGPony
How to find or define units?
that's why there are vaults all over the place with full data sets and standards of weight and dista ...
8-4-2018 at 04:50
by: XeonTheMGPony
Technical grade acetone purification
well you aren't calibrating the therm, you're calibrating your self! once you match it up to your el ...
8-4-2018 at 04:42
by: XeonTheMGPony
reaction with Potassium Peroxymonosulfate (oxone)
cheaper ones tend to be purer htt spa chems all list just 9x purity how much that can be trusted how ...
8-4-2018 at 04:28
by: XeonTheMGPony
Technical grade acetone purification
same here every thing is 1 degree lower, but I was more so referring to the OP! As it is important t ...
7-4-2018 at 20:00
by: XeonTheMGPony
Technical grade acetone purification
don't forget to factor in elevation!
7-4-2018 at 18:16
by: XeonTheMGPony
How to find or define units?
That is what is called "Manufacturing tolerances" Machines will vary due to tempriture and wear, thi ...
7-4-2018 at 08:15
by: XeonTheMGPony
How to find or define units?
Why would you care what an exact meter was in the jungle?

Pick a vine, make up a standard get bui ...
7-4-2018 at 07:28
by: XeonTheMGPony
A request of sorts: Corning hot plates
That does it indeed, they used a very simple NiCrFe wrapped mica board! and I do happen to have all ...
6-4-2018 at 19:16
by: XeonTheMGPony
A request of sorts: Corning hot plates
it is a very nice shaded pole, was surprised they used such a simple system, would certainly be inte ...
6-4-2018 at 17:45
by: XeonTheMGPony
A request of sorts: Corning hot plates
Yes please a detailed pic of the heater element is what I'm after, want to see if I can fabricate so ...
6-4-2018 at 13:47
by: XeonTheMGPony
A request of sorts: Corning hot plates
If any could be so inclined to take a good picture of inside of an older style corning hot plate, I ...
6-4-2018 at 12:40
by: XeonTheMGPony
What's The Science Behind Hair Straighteners?
Well thanks to theft I went from living in the bushes, comfortably I may add as my knowledge allowed ...
6-4-2018 at 12:23
by: XeonTheMGPony
Deep Joy
Like you aga I got a nice boost to the lab in the form of an old corning stirrer! but the real big b ...
5-4-2018 at 16:35
by: XeonTheMGPony
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