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destroying chlorates and leaving the prechlorates
You could fractionally crystallize all of them since NaClO4 will stay in the solution. (209%)
2-1-2005 at 01:34
by: guy
Is this CuCl2?
Was the copper part submerged in the water? It could CuCl2 if you used a slt bridge.
1-1-2005 at 14:13
by: guy
Separating MgSO4 from CuSO4
No.... I mean in the cathode side were hydrogen is produced.
1-1-2005 at 14:09
by: guy
Separating MgSO4 from CuSO4
Just wondering...

Will the magnesium hydroxide produced be equal to 1/7 of the magnesium sulfate ...
1-1-2005 at 01:30
by: guy
calcium nitrate to ammonium nitrate
You can also mix regular ammonia with calcium nitrate to precipitate Ca(OH)2 and you end up with AN. ...
31-12-2004 at 16:25
by: guy
not sure what i made
That could be iodine. THe hypochlorite oxidized the iodide ion to iodine.
31-12-2004 at 16:19
by: guy
destroying chlorates and leaving the prechlorates
since the chloride is much more soluable than the perchlorate.

That would only ...
31-12-2004 at 16:11
by: guy
Crystallizing out MgSO4
Would only the MgSO4 crystallize out if I place a seed crystal of MgSO4 in the solution and leaving ...
31-12-2004 at 16:08
by: guy
Separating MgSO4 from CuSO4
The only alcohol I have is isopropyl (99%). The internet doesn't have much on solubility of sa ...
31-12-2004 at 15:45
by: guy
Separating MgSO4 from CuSO4
I'm doning electrolysis of copper electrodes in MgSO4 solution with a salt bridge. Copper sulf ...
31-12-2004 at 01:19
by: guy
destroying chlorates and leaving the prechlorates
Do you just want to seperate the two? If it were NaClO3 and NaClO4, according to this [url=http://w ...
31-12-2004 at 00:03
by: guy
Breaking down Surcose
Is there anyway to breakown surcose to fructose and glucose? I think you might have to use some deh ...
30-12-2004 at 12:57
by: guy
how to produce Cu2O at home
I made copper(I) oxide easily.
First do electrolysis of Cu electrodes in salt water w/ a salt brid ...
28-12-2004 at 14:22
by: guy
Something interesting from NH4HCO3...
The best thing you can do with NH4HCO3 this time is to bake a cake

What?!!! yo ...
12-12-2004 at 17:38
by: guy
acetic peroxide
Couldn't sodium peracetate just be sodium acetate with H2O2 like percarbonates?

[Edited on 12/ ...
12-12-2004 at 15:34
by: guy
Something interesting from NH4HCO3...
How about ammonium chlorate or perchlorate? NH4HCO3 + NaClO4 --> NaHCO3 + NH4ClO4

Sodium bicar ...
12-12-2004 at 15:06
by: guy
acid salt + base ?
It would behave the almost the same as a regular acid - base rxn.


NaHSO<sub>4</su ...
11-12-2004 at 20:55
by: guy
Electrolysis of tetraaminecopper(II) sulphate
Electrolysis of [Cu(NH3)4]SO4. That could probably make copper at the cathode and NH3 will be liber ...
19-11-2004 at 18:32
by: guy
Electrolysis of tetraaminecopper(II) sulphate
i lack ammonia

That's like the easiest thing to get at like a grocery sto ...
12-11-2004 at 12:44
by: guy
Help Making Ferric chloride from electrolysis
You could be, in fact, getting a very fine suspension of Cu(OH)2

Please tell m ...
3-11-2004 at 14:47
by: guy
Help Making Ferric chloride from electrolysis
What do you mean basic CuCl2? There were no -OH or any basic anions present, its seperated by a salt ...
2-11-2004 at 20:16
by: guy
Help Making Ferric chloride from electrolysis
Just a little bit. I guess there is an equililibrium between the Fe(OH)3 and FeCl2. I mixed the Na ...
2-11-2004 at 16:06
by: guy
Help Making Ferric chloride from electrolysis
Why wouldn't the Fe(OH)3 react with the HCl again? I'm beginning to think maybe the NaCl ...
1-11-2004 at 22:30
by: guy
Rhodium solution
Have the anode out of rhodium. Rhodium will be plated on the cathode, the other rhodium electrode wi ...
1-11-2004 at 16:44
by: guy
Help Making Ferric chloride from electrolysis
I have been trying to make ferric chloride by electrolysis. I used a saturated solution of NaCl in ...
1-11-2004 at 15:50
by: guy
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