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5-ATZ(5-Aminotetrazole), the nitrotetrazolate ion and friends
I will give this person a second chance...

[quote]Certainly, I will need something first, thoug ...
8-5-2016 at 20:26
by: Bert
5-ATZ(5-Aminotetrazole), the nitrotetrazolate ion and friends
a nitrogen rich explosive is banned from posting. Perhaps if he swears on a dead tree volume of Tade ...
8-5-2016 at 06:30
by: Bert
Tetramines and others
Popcorn is my FAVORITE BLEV! ...
28-4-2016 at 14:38
by: Bert
Tetramines and others
Some possibilities come to mind... Pretty much in my guesstimate of probability.

1: Mr. Wizard. T ...
28-4-2016 at 14:12
by: Bert
Short question / quick answer - Thread

5 gallon ...
23-4-2016 at 03:39
by: Bert
Short question / quick answer - Thread

As you said, no hard numbers for velocity- Just a general ...
22-4-2016 at 18:31
by: Bert
Short question / quick answer - Thread
[rquote=446053&tid=26572&author=Laboratory of Liptakov]Has somebody experience with fuel 2-e ...
22-4-2016 at 13:39
by: Bert
Experimental explosives
Hey, if you have a lot of questions, no lab work to report and no references/links to sources?

Pl ...
13-4-2016 at 11:26
by: Bert
What the hell did i make??
You know enough about chemistey to blue a gun and make chloroacetone? But just randomly throw chemic ...
7-4-2016 at 09:26
by: Bert
Where is the library?
[rquote=444580&tid=65846&author=hyfalcon]You do have to ask for permission to enter. U2U a ...
7-4-2016 at 06:50
by: Bert
Sulfur purity
[rquote=444330&tid=65817&author=hyfalcon]Wouldn't sublimation also be a purification route?[ ...
4-4-2016 at 21:18
by: Bert
Detonator casings
Looking at their prices for Chinese shells, fuses, quick match, pyrotechnic chemicals & etc., th ...
16-3-2016 at 11:36
by: Bert
[RESEARCH] My interpretation of the Texas anti-glassware law
For the sake of the children, please violate TX letter of the law, fully document your actions and c ...
15-3-2016 at 16:42
by: Bert
matter to energy
Philou, take a look at the author's OTHER thread starting questions... This is one of the boards lon ...
14-3-2016 at 08:07
by: Bert
Boxwood odor
14-3-2016 at 03:50
by: Bert
6km/sec VOD From Cast NaCLO4 Composition
Is Sodium perchlorate commonly available as a technical grade chemical in your country?

In my ex ...
13-3-2016 at 09:20
by: Bert
Better propellants,anybody?
Do you actually get a decently loud whistle effect from an acetate fueled chlorate oxidized mix with ...
3-3-2016 at 20:10
by: Bert
Prilled ammonium nitrate mixed with cheap Walmart ethylene glycol antifreeze and a bit of Potassium ...
23-2-2016 at 09:32
by: Bert
SM Moderators
I go away for the day, come back to find the floors swept, dishes washed, laundry all folded, and ev ...
23-2-2016 at 09:20
by: Bert
[rquote=439201&tid=5025&author=Detonationology]C-4 is 91% RDX... It couldn't possible be tha ...
21-2-2016 at 13:30
by: Bert
ball mill question
If you are going to re purpose a rock polisher, larger diameter is always better. 6" ID and up drums ...
19-2-2016 at 06:50
by: Bert
Short question / quick answer - Thread
[rquote=439257&tid=26572&author=TheIdeanator]How sensitive are the polyol nitrates, metal ac ...
18-2-2016 at 22:17
by: Bert
Drop hammer, friction shoe, Lead block test... Not published for Tannerite, AFAIK. It shoots at a ve ...
18-2-2016 at 06:58
by: Bert
What did actually explode in Tianjin ?
I do not think the exact truth of the matter as far as cause of the triggering event will become kno ...
15-2-2016 at 14:12
by: Bert
Lithium chlorate LiClO3
After returning to the several composite rocket propellant threads...

http://www.sciencemadness.o ...
14-2-2016 at 08:43
by: Bert
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