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Do not buy this type of digital scales
I got a US Solid (300 grams mg scale) for around 250 Euros and... I love it.
I've tested it with a ...
7-5-2019 at 08:23
by: Herr Haber
How to kill or at least repel or block ants?

A couple of years ago ...
7-5-2019 at 04:11
by: Herr Haber
Centrifuge for pressing primary
[rquote=611732&tid=149681&author=twelti]@XeonThe MGPony, you mentioned this "sabot" method b ...
7-5-2019 at 03:38
by: Herr Haber
Centrifuge for pressing primary
[rquote=611612&tid=149681&author=markx][rquote=611546&tid=149681&author=Rocinante]Th ...
7-5-2019 at 03:25
by: Herr Haber
Exotic thermites & analogs
Have you seen a thermite lance. That would work b ...
2-5-2019 at 06:48
by: Herr Haber
From $40 a vial in 2000 to nearly $39,000 today
Another case of Martin Shkreli ?
2-5-2019 at 06:25
by: Herr Haber
Sourcing metals
Early Bell Huey helicopters were made of magnesium.
Switching to magnalium apparently made them les ...
2-5-2019 at 06:18
by: Herr Haber
Future-gazing: available now, restricted tomorrow?
There is a big difference between "banned" and "not available to the general public".
I am not worr ...
26-4-2019 at 04:59
by: Herr Haber
Notre Dame Smoke
[rquote=610397&tid=148080&author=Mr. Rogers]

That looks like artistic license.

[Edit ...
26-4-2019 at 04:09
by: Herr Haber
Displaying elements collection in a non-standard way
Think bigger !
25-4-2019 at 06:17
by: Herr Haber
Notre Dame Smoke
@DrP: if you were raising funds for WWF you'd have an easiest time finding money to save the panda b ...
16-4-2019 at 06:45
by: Herr Haber
Det Cap Strategies
I'd say that with a smaller tube you'll make a more efficient detonator that what you'd do in a larg ...
16-4-2019 at 04:35
by: Herr Haber
Notre Dame Smoke
Actually I agree with RR here. It is an old building. ...
16-4-2019 at 03:43
by: Herr Haber
Static Electricity Mitigation
Lots of humidity (shower before, hang the clothes the same day), ground yourself and of course avoid ...
15-4-2019 at 06:13
by: Herr Haber
Det Cap Strategies
@Twelti: Factors affecting the efficiency of detonators.
Get that pdf from the library. It was trul ...
15-4-2019 at 05:37
by: Herr Haber
cannabidiol to tetrahydrocannabinol
[rquote=608344&tid=147844&author=S.C. Wack]It may be a long wait since you reject answers yo ...
12-4-2019 at 04:24
by: Herr Haber
Platinum Refining Complete Process - VIDEO
55mn video I'll be sure to watch tonight !

Your videos on precious metals recovery are the most i ...
10-4-2019 at 03:53
by: Herr Haber
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Now my own (probably dumb) quest ...
10-4-2019 at 03:39
by: Herr Haber
Det Cap Strategies
You are both of course absolutely right :)

Thank you for reminding me that this can happen.
9-4-2019 at 03:26
by: Herr Haber
Unable to concentrate nitric acid to 68%
Drop the Vigreux (not literally) it's useless.
It only forces you to use higher temperatures and de ...
9-4-2019 at 03:18
by: Herr Haber
Det Cap Strategies
300 mg ?!

When ETN / PETN is initiated by as low as 20mg that seems like massive overkill.
Ok, 2 ...
8-4-2019 at 08:04
by: Herr Haber
Hazardous chemicals
Bordeaux mixture is not permitted anymore in the EU ! Mushroom farms stopped using it long before th ...
5-4-2019 at 04:07
by: Herr Haber
Silver nanoparticles
[rquote=607353&tid=147281&author=fusso][rquote=607333&tid=147281&author=Simoski]Silv ...
4-4-2019 at 04:05
by: Herr Haber
In praise of Deschem
If it were me... I'd ask for a replacement.
I wouldnt be shy about it especially since I order hund ...
3-4-2019 at 03:46
by: Herr Haber
Energetic binders
Are you suggesting you would use an unknown quantity of PIB ? :o

I'm kidding but that's a good re ...
1-4-2019 at 11:28
by: Herr Haber
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