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Life on Venus?!
PH3 indeed does not inflame in contact with air, and it needs to be ignited before it burns. But the ...
16-9-2020 at 23:47
by: woelen
Life on Venus?!
The atmosphere of Venus is oxidizing. Not as much as Earth's, but close to it. At the surface the ma ...
14-9-2020 at 23:16
by: woelen
Collection of bromine preps
No, if you have BrCl in your Br2 you won't be able to distill this out of the mix in a satisfactory ...
10-9-2020 at 11:34
by: woelen
Strange explosive vapor. I call (Poppy gas) named as a kid
IPA and hypochlorite do form an unstable isopropyl hypochlorite. This compopund is a volatile yellow ...
8-9-2020 at 22:50
by: woelen
Well-known reaction of KMnO4 and HCl: how well-known is it really?
The use of copper(II) as catalyst indeed is very interesting. I still had a test tube standing, with ...
7-9-2020 at 10:39
by: woelen
Well-known reaction of KMnO4 and HCl: how well-known is it really?
I tried the experiment with copper(II) as a catalyst and indeed, this makes a difference!
I added a ...
7-9-2020 at 02:11
by: woelen
Well-known reaction of KMnO4 and HCl: how well-known is it really?
Interesting remark about catalysts, such as Ag(+) or Cu(2+). I'll try the reaction with one of these ...
5-9-2020 at 11:15
by: woelen
Well-known reaction of KMnO4 and HCl: how well-known is it really?
Most of you will know the easy method of making chlorine gas of good purity by adding solid KMnO4 to ...
4-9-2020 at 11:17
by: woelen
Strange explosive vapor. I call (Poppy gas) named as a kid
The role of the dishwashing liquid is to keep the foam more stable.
The gaseous products almost cer ...
4-9-2020 at 04:04
by: woelen
Usually, chemical equations are written with integral (integer) coefficients for the compounds (here ...
3-9-2020 at 04:08
by: woelen
Synthesis of potassium metaperiodate by persulfate method
Interesting synthesis. It would be even more interesting if you could use KI as startting material. ...
1-9-2020 at 23:24
by: woelen
Latest chemical order?
I ordered 4 liters of clean colorless H2SO4 (96%). I still have some H2SO4, but I want to be sure to ...
31-8-2020 at 03:30
by: woelen
Caution: Making bromine from TCCA and ammonium bromide does not work
TCCA and ammonia (in any form, including ammonium ion) is a dangerous combination. The same is true ...
30-8-2020 at 23:24
by: woelen
How fast does Diethyl Ether form Peroxides? Reuse Ether Indefinitely
I have Et2O for over 10 years and it still has no detactable peroxides. I store it in a glass bottle ...
30-8-2020 at 23:09
by: woelen
How toxic is chlorine dioxide, compared to chlorine?
ClO2 is much more solublke in water than Cl2 (I think that Cl2 has solubility of 3 g/l). ClO2 has a ...
27-8-2020 at 01:35
by: woelen
Nitric acid questions
If you have NaNO3, then the simplest is to dissolve this in concentrated hydrochloric acid (30% or b ...
27-8-2020 at 01:23
by: woelen
Uses for nickel (II) perchlorate hexahydrate
Good to see that you did the experiment with the hexamminenickel(II) complex. The perchlorate of thi ...
26-8-2020 at 04:47
by: woelen
Nickel chloride?
Indeed, the hexamminenickel(II) complex forms soluble salts with most anions. It is a very nice blue ...
26-8-2020 at 04:38
by: woelen
Uses for nickel (II) perchlorate hexahydrate
The nickel does not offer 6 electron pairs, but it accepts 6 electron pairs. It is a Lewis acid. The ...
20-8-2020 at 04:39
by: woelen
Uses for nickel (II) perchlorate hexahydrate
If you really have nickel perchlorate, then you have a very interesting chemical. You can make numer ...
19-8-2020 at 23:08
by: woelen
Copper bromide from copper sulphate
I think that the black crystals indeed are CuBr2 (anhydrous), but fairly impure, with CaSO4 mixed in ...
19-8-2020 at 02:03
by: woelen
Practical NOx Chemistry.
Interesting experiment. Good to see that this material can be condensed at temperatures like -10 C. ...
17-8-2020 at 23:15
by: woelen
Copper cyanurate (and other cyanurates}
I missed the remark about the nickel nitrate in your 3rd post. Given your description of the precipi ...
17-8-2020 at 01:25
by: woelen
Copper cyanurate (and other cyanurates}
This looks very much like the carbonate. How can you be sure that the carbonate is fully converted? ...
16-8-2020 at 22:58
by: woelen
Is a sodium sulfide/polysulfide/thiosulfate solution alright for halogen neutralization?
Yes, such solutions can be used for neutralizing halogens. Working with them is smelly though and th ...
16-8-2020 at 13:31
by: woelen
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