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How useful is a laboratory glsssware powder auger?
they all ready have those, pricey things how ever.
21-5-2018 at 07:14
by: XeonTheMGPony
Even element samples are banned from eBay
13 year old thread, I'm impressed, going for 20 next?
20-5-2018 at 12:38
by: XeonTheMGPony
How to remove the organic junk from store bought acid
[rquote=518172&tid=82853&author=symboom]I know the normal way i like to see diferent ways th ...
18-5-2018 at 03:52
by: XeonTheMGPony
How to remove the organic junk from store bought acid
Distill, distill and distill! Or simply heat long enough.
17-5-2018 at 04:07
by: XeonTheMGPony
Copper(II) formate mirror
Hydrazine is easy
16-5-2018 at 17:18
by: XeonTheMGPony
HCl Preparation with no other strong acid
[rquote=517843&tid=12318&author=AJKOER]A modification of the chlorine gas in water approach, ...
15-5-2018 at 16:46
by: XeonTheMGPony
Do ...
14-5-2018 at 16:47
by: XeonTheMGPony
The Effects of a Chemically Illiterate Population; I give you C60's Magical Healing Powers
I just know I'm getting sick of being broke and if gullible idiots want to toss their money away the ...
14-5-2018 at 04:10
by: XeonTheMGPony
The Effects of a Chemically Illiterate Population; I give you C60's Magical Healing Powers
think that's bad, lets see: Diet water, Energized water, Oxygenated water.

Crystal therapy, Reiki ...
13-5-2018 at 05:30
by: XeonTheMGPony
My vacuum pump
No, just to use a self contained system, Aspirators can with stand things that will destroy a rotary ...
13-5-2018 at 05:23
by: XeonTheMGPony
Removing Ethanol from Gasoline
you can recycle it indefinably, providing you remove contaminants.

Microwave drying is fast and e ...
13-5-2018 at 04:35
by: XeonTheMGPony
My vacuum pump
[rquote=517728&tid=78427&author=Sulaiman]So far I have been using a cheap small 12 Vdc motor ...
13-5-2018 at 04:28
by: XeonTheMGPony
Looming DCM Ban (US)
Welcome to Canada where if it is dangerous the dumbest of us it is for all of us!

Dear Americans ...
12-5-2018 at 06:23
by: XeonTheMGPony
4 Students Burned At Maple Grove Junior High
Goat that video was horribal every thing don wrong! this is what I mean people are so badly ignorant ...
10-5-2018 at 04:25
by: XeonTheMGPony
lab set-up
Look through the "tour my lab" thread, a picture is worht a thousand words, you will see what every ...
10-5-2018 at 04:06
by: XeonTheMGPony
4 Students Burned At Maple Grove Junior High
[rquote=517334&tid=18159&author=Bert]Shades of the chem teacher who poured more alcohol with ...
9-5-2018 at 17:21
by: XeonTheMGPony
4 Students Burned At Maple Grove Junior High
reading the comments is depressing, kids are taught to be gutless whiners from day one it seems.

9-5-2018 at 17:15
by: XeonTheMGPony
Finding chemicals everywhere
why are you just spamming random crap as of late?
8-5-2018 at 18:16
by: XeonTheMGPony
Asbestos from 10% Fibrocement/Asbestos
[rquote=517047&tid=82546&author=VSEPR_VOID][rquote=517013&tid=82546&author=unionised ...
8-5-2018 at 04:00
by: XeonTheMGPony
lab set-up
I'll add never wear clothing you want to keep good in the lab, I am fairly precise in not spilling t ...
8-5-2018 at 03:56
by: XeonTheMGPony
Do this kind of pumps exist?
diaphragm pump does that easily, push and pull, a Gast pump does too but they are trickier as they n ...
3-5-2018 at 16:56
by: XeonTheMGPony
Youtube Videos
[rquote=516564&tid=67999&author=Antiswat]youtube no longer serves people with extraordinary ...
3-5-2018 at 04:25
by: XeonTheMGPony
cant seem to work my vaccume pump
1/4 sae flare, just replace the fitting with a hose barb.
2-5-2018 at 18:16
by: XeonTheMGPony
new toys
well it arrived! some fun new supplies I been waiting for!

and some glass wear
1-5-2018 at 16:45
by: XeonTheMGPony
Bulk (group buy) of Ethyl Acetate ("200 proof) & maybe NaOH & KOH in buy
Atm there is still ethyl acetate nail polish remover but it is 4 dollars for a pathetic yield of 100 ...
1-5-2018 at 08:21
by: XeonTheMGPony
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