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Short question / quick answer - Thread

[quote] i pulled this out of a old 1860,s book i was reading on google books but i cant remember w ...
25-8-2016 at 11:22
by: Bert
Quick Questions Thread: No Easy Answers Edition
Oh yeah. Sticky?
21-8-2016 at 13:51
by: Bert
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Yes, that WAS snarky.

The last 3 threads from EM which I merged to "quick question, short answer ...
15-8-2016 at 07:58
by: Bert
Short question / quick answer - Thread

Maybe it's just that I don't know much about ANFO properties and proper use yet, do you k ...
15-8-2016 at 07:27
by: Bert
At-Home Research Study (Pyrotechnic Adhesives Comparison in Salutes)
Connect an anti static wristband to a solid ground, which could be a ground rod, driven into the ear ...
11-8-2016 at 13:45
by: Bert
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Can anyone point to a published velocity of detonation figure for a 70:1 nitromethane:hexamine solut ...
9-8-2016 at 18:12
by: Bert
6km/sec VOD From Cast NaCLO4 Composition
Yes, about 25 times what I would consider reasonable for this as a technical grade chemical. The pro ...
8-8-2016 at 05:53
by: Bert
At-Home Research Study (Pyrotechnic Adhesives Comparison in Salutes)
Old fashioned saietines were made from 3 turns of dry rolled heavy kraft paper, rammed sawdust for e ...
7-8-2016 at 09:07
by: Bert
At-Home Research Study (Pyrotechnic Adhesives Comparison in Salutes)
Hitt's flashcrackas, just sayin'-

No end plugs at all, just a small dab of white glue on dry ro ...
6-8-2016 at 20:04
by: Bert
Looking for Kinetic from the-hive@(a long shot tbh')
Don't think this is quite the place for the question, unless it were fleshed out to show relevance t ...
6-8-2016 at 17:47
by: Bert
At-Home Research Study (Pyrotechnic Adhesives Comparison in Salutes)
Shoot. Just fiberglass them, if you want the ultimate hard shell.

And then shoot the same weight ...
5-8-2016 at 22:53
by: Bert
Powdering aluminum - any "tricks" like quenching in liquid N2 or flash freezing?
[rquote=455915&tid=67589&author=ficolas]This may be stupid but, when galium amalgamates with ...
25-7-2016 at 19:43
by: Bert
Short question / quick answer - Thread
20-7-2016 at 09:34
by: Bert
Charcoal size for BP - super fine vs "air-float"
If your fuel is too snorty- Make the core just a bit bigger, and we don' need no steenkin' nozzles!
20-7-2016 at 07:53
by: Bert
Charcoal size for BP - super fine vs "air-float"
From personal experience, small willow or black alder branches, bark removed before charring.

Fro ...
20-7-2016 at 04:54
by: Bert
Charcoal size for BP - super fine vs "air-float"

[quote]This calls for a back-to-back-to-back comparison (Commercial - Oak - Willow) the oak/willow ...
18-7-2016 at 17:18
by: Bert
Impasse with Urea
Plant food? It's a good Nitrogen source. Probably won't kill yourself.

http://homeguides.sfgate.c ...
18-7-2016 at 11:38
by: Bert
Charcoal size for BP - super fine vs "air-float"
Deathunter88 is correct about charcoal WOOD SPECIES and CARBONIZATION CONDITIONS being of greater co ...
18-7-2016 at 07:31
by: Bert
Question on pottery-grade Cr2O3.
[rquote=444664&tid=65867&author=blogfast25]I didn't. About 73 % yield, one nice roundish reg ...
16-7-2016 at 12:27
by: Bert
Sensitivity of PETN to mechanical effects in non-aqueous solution
Could you speak more on personal experiences in the use of ethyl acetate as a recrystallization solv ...
16-7-2016 at 09:01
by: Bert
Need gasket/sealant suggestion for circumfrence of 5 gallon bucket for "buchner funnel"
Get a caulk tube of blue Permatex. ...
14-7-2016 at 06:54
by: Bert
I want to cool down my room with ice
(C) Account for air exchange in the climate controlled area- Unless you're not planning on breathing ...
14-7-2016 at 06:26
by: Bert
What would you do with an Electron Accelerator?
That building (and the full size basement, made up of the machine vault and a support shop) had a fo ...
13-7-2016 at 12:35
by: Bert
What would you do with an Electron Accelerator?
That is a picture of the University of Wisconsin's Alladin synchrotron storage ring, which was built ...
13-7-2016 at 06:49
by: Bert
A mini Sun from plasma or ... Polonium ?
[rquote=454715&tid=67190&author=PHILOU Zrealone]Maybe a stupid remark, but hasn't Polonium a ...
12-7-2016 at 15:59
by: Bert
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