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Good service from chem-alley (Russian ebay seller) So i guess stuff gets lost in the russian mail service. The alkalai metals i purchased have sat in r ... |
18-4-2021 at 08:02 by: Panache |
Best/preferred method for cleaning up toluene paint thinner? If you have the glass vacuum distill from a stirred vessel with a packed short column or a longer un ... |
16-4-2021 at 20:30 by: Panache |
Removing mercury from mercury vapor lights Man they're expensive...maybe resell them and buy a pound of |
10-4-2021 at 05:59 by: Panache |
Heidolph Rotovap Has anyone used one of these for a while. I'm interested in getting any feedback on the mechanical s ... |
10-4-2021 at 05:54 by: Panache |
Some fun with a really obscure compound. Yeah the toxicity of the metal is hugely overstated, the body can eliminate small amounts, its not l ... |
10-4-2021 at 05:41 by: Panache |
Glass Joint Grease and Pentane depends on how good your joints are. this cuts both ways as in if they are married well you can lose ... |
10-4-2021 at 05:32 by: Panache |
The Sciencemadness Index [rquote=657312&tid=157241&author=Texium (zts16)]If you want to publish new data rather than ... |
4-4-2021 at 10:44 by: Panache |
3D printing useful parts - anyone doing this? I'd like to print GL45 bottle caps if possible [rquote=657079&tid=155539&author=Fulmen]I'm ressurecting this thread if nobody minds.
Neede ... |
4-4-2021 at 09:48 by: Panache |
Alkali metals imported into australia and ♤♡◇♧BORDERFORCE♧◇♡♤ Well that is great. I was debating sending an email to borderforce , prior to arrival, just in case. ... |
4-4-2021 at 09:31 by: Panache |
Alkali metals imported into australia and ♤♡◇♧BORDERFORCE♧◇♡♤ Anyone bought, and then brought, potassium, lithium, sodium or calcium metals nto australia.
What h ... |
4-4-2021 at 03:17 by: Panache |
Filter Reactor - The 'Easy' Way to Recrystallize Solids? Yes in principle...theres not enough information to speak in anything other than generalities. Just ... |
27-3-2021 at 03:52 by: Panache |
What on earth..... Looks well made enough that im thinking its an extremely 'project-specfic' piece of kit that i will ... |
24-3-2021 at 17:29 by: Panache |
Filter Reactor - The 'Easy' Way to Recrystallize Solids? Wait i just realised itsz chemglass reactor. These are as practical as something this fixedcan be... |
24-3-2021 at 17:07 by: Panache |
Filter Reactor - The 'Easy' Way to Recrystallize Solids? Ha ha ha....yes it will work exactly like that...with a few huge exceptions!
It would be quicker to ... |
24-3-2021 at 17:04 by: Panache |
Crystallisation - truly a dark art i have no basis in theory or literature to forward this obsefrvation with. Ill proceed anyway. Its a ... |
6-3-2021 at 16:56 by: Panache |
Acid mixtures that dissolve gold [rquote=655747&tid=157038&author=pneumatician]if you know how, with only HCL, Gold CAN BE di ... |
6-3-2021 at 16:32 by: Panache |
The Short Questions Thread (4) Regarding offence taken by my use of the clickbait word. I understand however...i ... |
2-3-2021 at 16:47 by: Panache |
Acid mixtures that dissolve gold Firstly zed, yes it's fantastic, you can even use your kitchen sink as the pan of water and run a co ... |
2-3-2021 at 16:33 by: Panache |
Acid mixtures that dissolve gold [rquote=655395&tid=157038&author=Panache][rquote=655318&tid=157038&author=Lion850]Co ... |
2-3-2021 at 04:33 by: Panache |
Acid mixtures that dissolve gold I find aqua regia dissolution of precious metals are best performed using a behive type setup. Basic ... |
28-2-2021 at 04:47 by: Panache |
The Short Questions Thread (4) [rquote=655204&tid=25055&author=artemov][rquote=655189&tid=25055&author=woelen]Looks ... |
22-2-2021 at 23:58 by: Panache |
Acid mixtures that dissolve gold [rquote=655318&tid=157038&author=Lion850]Concentrated HCl with I2 dissolved in it dissolves ... |
22-2-2021 at 23:44 by: Panache |
Acid mixtures that dissolve gold Doesnt elemental iodine dissolve gold. It certainly ready combines with platinum... |
22-2-2021 at 18:56 by: Panache |
Improving chloroform yield with acid. [rquote=654911&tid=156572&author=XeonTheMGPony][rquote=654117&tid=156572&author=Fynd ... |
21-2-2021 at 04:19 by: Panache |
Acid mixtures that dissolve gold I note that mixtures of 10% Hcl and 3% peroxide are promoted as 'deplating mixtures' for circuit boa ... |
20-2-2021 at 19:25 by: Panache |
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