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Homemade inks/Fountain pen enthusiasts?
[rquote=374304&tid=52485&author=Etaoin Shrdlu]I've always secretly wanted to endorse a check ...
3-12-2014 at 22:43
by: DistractionGrating
Cheap, Low-Resolution, Raman Spectroscopy
3-12-2014 at 15:32
by: DistractionGrating
Need some lab glass off my hands
Email to bounced with message, "The email account that you tried to reach ...
2-12-2014 at 15:05
by: DistractionGrating
The Short Questions Thread (4)
Greenlight, The exact same source contains contradictory information that says glass must be drille ...
25-11-2014 at 15:09
by: DistractionGrating
The Short Questions Thread (4)
OK, this may not be a chemistry question, per se, but it does involve the physical properties of a s ...
24-11-2014 at 23:16
by: DistractionGrating
calcium carbonate composition in seashells
Aragonite and Calcite are both CaCO3, but with different crystal lattices. I'm not entirely sure ab ...
18-11-2014 at 14:38
by: DistractionGrating
calcium carbonate composition in seashells
Seashells are most certainly made of calcium carbonate, as any knowledgeable marine aquarist can tel ...
18-11-2014 at 13:53
by: DistractionGrating
Drunken Aga Challenge #1 - Finished
[quote]1. Concept/process must be accompanied by stoichiometric chemical formulae.[/quote]

I subm ...
12-11-2014 at 20:32
by: DistractionGrating
Farting in the bath
+1 CrimpJiggler's question. I've noticed this ever since I was very young. Always wondered about i ...
12-8-2014 at 20:40
by: DistractionGrating
How professional are your labs?
9-7-2014 at 12:00
by: DistractionGrating
DIY NIR Spectrometer?
The math is simple: λ = 10^6/G, where G is grating density in lines / mm.

Bear in mind t ...
1-5-2014 at 13:01
by: DistractionGrating
Too Much Closed Mind Behavior
I guess the only response I can make to that is to apologize, and ask your forgiveness for being so ...
21-4-2014 at 07:01
by: DistractionGrating
Too Much Closed Mind Behavior
[rquote=328545&tid=30183&author=macckone]IR spectroscopy should be easy
for a home scientis ...
21-4-2014 at 03:41
by: DistractionGrating
DIY NIR Spectrometer?
Frankly, I don't know, unionised. Perhaps it will, and if so, then perhaps I'll just have to go wit ...
18-4-2014 at 06:32
by: DistractionGrating
DIY NIR Spectrometer?
Assuming I go with the low-end DIY CD-ROM concept, then I anticipate a two-stage prototyping methodo ...
17-4-2014 at 21:32
by: DistractionGrating
Home Made Analysis gear
Personally i am thinking more along the lines of USB w ...
17-4-2014 at 11:14
by: DistractionGrating
DIY NIR Spectrometer?
Thanks for that link, Chemosynthesis! I think I'll go plug my new thread over there, as well as con ...
17-4-2014 at 11:03
by: DistractionGrating
DIY NIR Spectrometer?
Hi everybody. New user. First post.

I have read with great interest the threads on "Cheap, Low- ...
17-4-2014 at 10:11
by: DistractionGrating

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