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amidazotoluol Amidoazotoluol appears to be a seldom-used synonym of o-aminoazotoluene. It was previously used as a ... |
27-9-2017 at 18:35 by: CRUSTY |
plating tungsten carbide [rquote=493007&tid=77083&author=Melgar]I'd be shocked if electroless plating worked on metal ... |
27-9-2017 at 08:38 by: CRUSTY |
plating tungsten carbide I second the idea of electroless plating, although I'm not sure if it is possible with tungsten carb ... |
26-9-2017 at 17:32 by: CRUSTY |
Inorganic Mechanism or ? [rquote=493000&tid=77105&author=ninhydric1]
This is the thermodynamic explanation. It might ... |
26-9-2017 at 16:44 by: CRUSTY |
Private forum for discussing patentable ideas? I feel that even if a patent-specific subforum were not implemented, it would still be incredibly us ... |
26-9-2017 at 07:10 by: CRUSTY |
Looking for MMO electrode suppliers [rquote=476940&tid=72478&author=Zyklon-A]Wow you used a MOT to weld it?[/rquote]
Note tha ... |
26-9-2017 at 06:51 by: CRUSTY |
plating tungsten carbide You can electroplate cobalt-containing WC (most WC does contain cobalt to some degree) with nickel. ... |
26-9-2017 at 05:50 by: CRUSTY |
carbon arc gouging electrodes I don't see why it wouldn't work. As long there is no binder in the carbon, you're fine. The problem ... |
25-9-2017 at 10:05 by: CRUSTY |
Obscure antiquated or household drugs [rquote=69622&tid=6106&author=nitro-genes]Speaking of common household drugs,
DMX, or Dex ... |
25-9-2017 at 09:43 by: CRUSTY |
Hybridization of Viral Vectors MV-x Strains I feel like it would be far more convenient for everyone if you were to either combine these into a ... |
25-9-2017 at 08:46 by: CRUSTY |
Chemical solvents that were/most likely were discovered before the 16th century Diethyl ether is believed to have first been synthesized in 1275. Also, the properties of water as a ... |
24-9-2017 at 13:46 by: CRUSTY |
absolutely HUGE chem glassware sale. I'm going to second what Phosphorus said. I know you're looking to sell the whole lot as one, but if ... |
22-9-2017 at 19:00 by: CRUSTY |
Chematica Yikes, it doesn't even show up on any torrent hosts. Are you sure it's even released yet? |
22-9-2017 at 18:52 by: CRUSTY |
CO2 Compression Google would pretty quickly answer this question. I don't want to spoonfeed, so here is the theory o ... |
22-9-2017 at 18:50 by: CRUSTY |
Do any python programmers want to collaborate in a pharmacogenomics web app project? I'm not a professional programmer in Python, but I pretty regularly use it for computational methods ... |
22-9-2017 at 16:48 by: CRUSTY |
Energy to Protein Biochemistry [rquote=491979&tid=76725&author=Vmedvil]
tRNA proteins are Transfer proteins that carry the ... |
11-9-2017 at 07:01 by: CRUSTY |
ways to liquidify chlorine at home? Also, one of the best things you can spend money on is a full-face respirator, specifically the ones ... |
11-9-2017 at 06:38 by: CRUSTY |
Exploding Whip Cracker [rquote=491855&tid=76614&author=Tripyrovinyl]I've tried dipping the cracker in MEKP, but no ... |
8-9-2017 at 10:04 by: CRUSTY |
Can sodium metal really be transparent ? In the previous major thread on sodium hydroxide, j_sum sort of capped off the topic by finding this ... |
7-9-2017 at 10:13 by: CRUSTY |
ways to liquidify chlorine at home? The MnO[sub]2[/sub]/HCl[sub](aq)[/sub] method is fairly easy, as MnO[sub]2[/sub] is easily extracted ... |
7-9-2017 at 09:43 by: CRUSTY |
Exploding Whip Cracker This is purely speculative, but ETN might do the trick. If configured correctly on the end of the wh ... |
7-9-2017 at 08:53 by: CRUSTY |
I want to hear your favorite chemistry demonstrations I also do an annual demonstration for K-5 students, and although these aren't my favorites, they're ... |
18-8-2017 at 19:58 by: CRUSTY |
Why do catalytic transfer hydrogenations with ammonium formate + metal always require excess formate? I haven't done much with this particular reaction, but with such a massive excess as that (the molar ... |
15-8-2017 at 05:42 by: CRUSTY |
Gun cotton sucess I'm not sure what your post-nitration procedure is, but be careful when drying. It's autoignition te ... |
13-8-2017 at 13:07 by: CRUSTY |
Mercury thermometer broke, and fell into methyl iodide boiling flask. How concerned should I be? KOH should be alright. There is very little documentation on methylmercuric iodide, but methylmercur ... |
13-8-2017 at 07:10 by: CRUSTY |
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