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Completely volatile metal compound, even from aqueous solution!
Bleach doesn't have to contain (much) hydroxide.

Edit: bleach is even pretty stable at around pH ...
9-11-2020 at 03:04
by: Tsjerk
latest glassware purchase
[rquote=647144&tid=71645&author=Cou]i ordered 2 erlenmeyer flasks from on Oct ...
9-11-2020 at 01:45
by: Tsjerk
Question: How to remove capric acid (caprate) from estrenes?
Assuming gender or responding to (assumed) female gender didn't go well here in the past.
8-11-2020 at 09:55
by: Tsjerk
Question: How to remove capric acid (caprate) from estrenes?

What do you mean with estrenes?
8-11-2020 at 08:47
by: Tsjerk
ammonium nitrate to nitric acid and ammonia? with phosphoric acid catalyst!
I'm sure this has been tried in the 1800's. The fact there isn't any Google result popping up immedi ...
8-11-2020 at 07:01
by: Tsjerk
Hi. Im new here.
I think in the case of Hey Buddy "valuable" is a bit different from what many here would consider va ...
8-11-2020 at 06:56
by: Tsjerk
Latest chemical order?
Nice, what are you planning to do with the triphenylmethanol?
8-11-2020 at 02:56
by: Tsjerk
Anthranilic Acid
Apperantly methyl anthranilate binds pain receptors in the avian trigeminal nerve.

Something simi ...
7-11-2020 at 12:31
by: Tsjerk
why you shouldn't touch homemade salts
Fascinating that the patient with the mercury filled lungs apperantly is doing fine!
7-11-2020 at 11:19
by: Tsjerk
Sodium Metal Production Idea
Decomposition of sodium azide produces pure sodium metal and nitrogen indeed, but the reaction is ve ...
6-11-2020 at 03:04
by: Tsjerk
Nitration with NO2 instead of H2SO4?
There is a difference between nitrations and nitrations. When nitrating alcohols, like glycerine you ...
5-11-2020 at 13:43
by: Tsjerk
90 - 99% nitric acid using dichloromethane
Yes, see Nurdrage's last video on YT for example, he uses two different desiccants. He has a lot of ...
5-11-2020 at 01:09
by: Tsjerk
Nitric acid
Fuming strongly depends on the relative humidity. I have a hygrometer in my greenhouse and out of in ...
4-11-2020 at 11:58
by: Tsjerk
FNG here, how can I contribute to the energetics forum.
The only way I can think of to separate lye and sodium nitrate is by adding ammonium nitrate. You wo ...
4-11-2020 at 01:35
by: Tsjerk
Would a beaker survive in a dry ice/accetone under vacuum
In vacuum distillations cold traps are frequently used with dry ice and even liquid nitrogen. As lon ...
2-11-2020 at 01:45
by: Tsjerk
How to cut 1oz silver bar into pieces that will fit in a test tube
I don't understand anyone wanting to go through the effort of hammering/cutting/sawing/melting if yo ...
31-10-2020 at 09:02
by: Tsjerk
Amateur route from R-OH to R-Cl
Bromides are usually easier to make with in situ HBr and the short chain bromides are easier to cond ...
27-10-2020 at 12:51
by: Tsjerk
Amateur route from R-OH to R-Cl
Or benzyl alcohol, which is also easily converted with HCl.
27-10-2020 at 07:35
by: Tsjerk
Should Knowledge Be Free?
Most literature is written in English, I know there are for example some German and French journals, ...
27-10-2020 at 00:30
by: Tsjerk
Should Knowledge Be Free?
[rquote=647356&tid=156384&author=njl]Tsjerk I feel like open access journals being expensive ...
26-10-2020 at 07:04
by: Tsjerk
Should Knowledge Be Free?
Publishing in an open access journal is usually expensive compared to not open access. If you want a ...
26-10-2020 at 00:32
by: Tsjerk
Grow plants in a test tube (tissue culture)
Working under a Bunsen burner is less ideal than a flow cabinet, but it works for sure to keep thing ...
25-10-2020 at 11:22
by: Tsjerk
Pretty Pictures (2)
You could make a dilution series indeed and check when the fluorescence goes down with rising concen ...
24-10-2020 at 11:32
by: Tsjerk
Pretty Pictures (2)
Herr Haber, nice pictures! Maybe you would find it interesting to see if you can show fluorescerent ...
24-10-2020 at 02:37
by: Tsjerk
Something fun: Picking a random atom in a biomolecule and tracing it back to CO2
When a biosynthesis pathway is known, as in it is known which enzymes are involved, it is quite stra ...
23-10-2020 at 04:14
by: Tsjerk
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