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from a secret admirer
It looks like mr. annonomous got that hydrazine sulphate sythesis straight off this site, unless of ...
29-7-2008 at 06:52
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
yea that is the way i do it, how long should i boil it for?
29-7-2008 at 05:45
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
I buy my asprin for 39p for a pack of 16. Personally this is an extremly cheap source of SA if i can ...
29-7-2008 at 05:14
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
I buy my asprin for 39p for a pack of 16. Personally this is an extremly cheap source of SA if i can ...
29-7-2008 at 05:14
by: Picric-A
Question: Red phosphorus purification
after about two bicarbonate wash with 3 distilled water washes to make it completly free from most i ...
29-7-2008 at 01:19
by: Picric-A
What reagent would you like to see an illustrated guide for?
could you show some simple processes used in organic chemicstry for begginers?
eg. fisher esterific ...
29-7-2008 at 01:05
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
I am with Kclo4 on this one, i try to make all most of my chemicals, the only ones i dont make are v ...
29-7-2008 at 01:01
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
Yes that reminds me of making picric acid, and that must be the reason you can start with SA... becu ...
28-7-2008 at 15:25
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
ah kk, thanks.
how do i go about turning Salicylic acid to phenol?
i understand you must decarboxy ...
28-7-2008 at 13:38
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
i did not realise Sodium acetylsalicylate existed... how do you make it?
pantone159- i thoguht that ...
28-7-2008 at 12:44
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
Yes i have just done this method. (on a small scale)
i crushed up 4 asprin and put it in about 10ml ...
28-7-2008 at 09:48
by: Picric-A
Iodine preparation for who needs it
i dont think laws like that will pass...
i mean anyone with a swimming pool (or not as the case may ...
27-7-2008 at 15:10
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
ok, i have solved my question on 2-4dinitrophenylhydrazine. Here is the synthesis:
'2,4-Dinitrophen ...
27-7-2008 at 05:34
by: Picric-A
Help please
the colours in the AN was probs oxidised material.
what state was the AN? fine powder? crystals?
I ...
27-7-2008 at 02:59
by: Picric-A
Paranoia while buying reagents?
i feel the same, i have all the basics, but when you want to perform some slightly more advanced exp ...
27-7-2008 at 02:49
by: Picric-A
Sodium Metal from NaCl Reduction using Lead
well i didnt show it well in te diagrm but the cruicible would be about 30cm high but yes the pressu ...
27-7-2008 at 02:22
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
cool, will try that when i get a few more asprin.
slightly off topic, when you nitrate salicylic ac ...
27-7-2008 at 02:17
by: Picric-A
Anhydrous MnCl2 (Mn (II) chloride)?
A while ago i made anydrous MnCl2 by slowly heating it in a U tube while passing dried hdyrogen chlo ...
26-7-2008 at 14:52
by: Picric-A
Readily Available Chemicals Website: Version 2
:P i agree werid name, dont think they thought up the name of the site well but oh well:P
i wonder ...
26-7-2008 at 14:45
by: Picric-A
Sodium Metal from NaCl Reduction using Lead
ok this is a pretty crap drawing but it pretty much shows what i am thinking.
The condenser on top ...
26-7-2008 at 14:43
by: Picric-A
Paranoia while buying reagents?
I live in england and from what i can tell chems are a little easier to get here than england (they ...
26-7-2008 at 14:23
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
ok, quick update on how i am going.
I crushed up and dissolved 5 350mg (wheight of the whole pill) ...
26-7-2008 at 13:12
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
yea:P very strong smelling chemical lol.
thats a good idea, as far as i remember, salicylic acid h ...
26-7-2008 at 09:03
by: Picric-A
Salicylic acid
I plan on making some methyl salicylate,
i have the methanol for the esterification however i need ...
26-7-2008 at 08:10
by: Picric-A
Readily Available Chemicals Website: Version 2
yep i have used it, quite a bit actually when i was into pyro and all...
package is quite bad ( onl ...
26-7-2008 at 04:33
by: Picric-A
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