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Laboy glass: coiled condensers?
I bought a reflux condenser from Laboy very recently, I am very impressed!

For $40 I got this nic ...
6-3-2013 at 13:10
by: Mailinmypocket
Video : reaction of Potassium permanganate and Hydrogen peroxide
Another interesting catalytic decomposition demo of peroxide is that using silver! I have often done ...
4-3-2013 at 04:37
by: Mailinmypocket
Make Potassium (from
[rquote=276749&tid=14970&author=elementcollector1][rquote=276723&tid=14970&author=Ma ...
3-3-2013 at 10:56
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (1)
Pok! Amazing copper crystals!!

On the subject of crystal growing, has anyone tried growing cryst ...
3-3-2013 at 09:47
by: Mailinmypocket
Make Potassium (from
All this talk of K has gotten me interested in trying again! Before that though, the last comments m ...
3-3-2013 at 06:12
by: Mailinmypocket
Hypothetical Chemist
Hmm... Given that no additional reagents are allowed, no bleach could be used to generate chlorine g ...
2-3-2013 at 10:25
by: Mailinmypocket
Hypothetical Chemist
Just out of curiosity; why the neutralization step?. If you prefer to place a drop on the glass tabl ...
2-3-2013 at 09:39
by: Mailinmypocket
Problem (and how I solved it) downloading Brauer from Library
[rquote=276613&tid=23049&author=Organikum]Well, I have no direct problems downloading for as ...
2-3-2013 at 09:28
by: Mailinmypocket
Hypothetical Chemist
Dip one end of the glass tube into one beaker, dip the other end into the other beaker. Let it dry a ...
2-3-2013 at 09:05
by: Mailinmypocket
Make Potassium (from
[rquote=276513&tid=14970&author=elementcollector1]I see. I also got the ratio of 0.01 mol t- ...
1-3-2013 at 11:48
by: Mailinmypocket
Formaldehyde from embalming fluid
Methanol is always (or almost) in formaldehyde added as a stabilizer. Without it it would slowly bec ...
1-3-2013 at 09:48
by: Mailinmypocket
can anyone help me with fish oil?
Research "emulsifier"... However just adding emulsifier to a mix of fish oil and Vaseline (god... Yu ...
28-2-2013 at 09:51
by: Mailinmypocket
Coumarin synthesis
[rquote=275686&tid=23449&author=Nicodem]Mailinmypocket, if you just want to do some heterocy ...
28-2-2013 at 09:10
by: Mailinmypocket
can anyone help me with fish oil?
If the purpose is to use it as fishing bait... Why not forget the fish oil and use some form of powd ...
28-2-2013 at 08:13
by: Mailinmypocket
Concentrating Phosphric acid
[rquote=276247&tid=23521&author=Steve_hi]Just bought some concrete etching product. I checke ...
27-2-2013 at 04:52
by: Mailinmypocket
Make Potassium (from
I have found that while the heat is ramping up there is always a sudden frothing that occurs. This i ...
26-2-2013 at 20:11
by: Mailinmypocket
Make Potassium (from
[rquote=276131&tid=14970&author=elementcollector1]Does it make a difference if a 50mL or a 1 ...
26-2-2013 at 08:44
by: Mailinmypocket
Make Potassium (from
[rquote=276123&tid=14970&author=elementcollector1]I'm just using rubber joints instead of gr ...
26-2-2013 at 08:27
by: Mailinmypocket
Make Potassium (from
[rquote=276116&tid=14970&author=elementcollector1]If I had to guess, you might have added to ...
26-2-2013 at 07:39
by: Mailinmypocket
Make Potassium (from
I'm happy to see somebody else trying this out! I really hope it works for you and then we can maybe ...
26-2-2013 at 06:33
by: Mailinmypocket
Water Aspirator Canada
Just a suggestion- If you buy from them you might as well upgrade to the nickel plated aspirator... ...
23-2-2013 at 12:55
by: Mailinmypocket
Super Lube synthetic grease as ground glass lube
I haven't used that specific dielectric grease, but I use this one all the time:

http://www.perma ...
22-2-2013 at 15:57
by: Mailinmypocket
Water Circulation Systems
Check the pond and garden section for fountain pumps similar to this one: ...
21-2-2013 at 19:17
by: Mailinmypocket
Coumarin synthesis
I was thinking the yield was going to be low also since this was the first time I came across this r ...
21-2-2013 at 15:24
by: Mailinmypocket
Coumarin synthesis
Sounds good, I will try that as well as I'm not feeling like doing the whole steam setup. I couldn't ...
21-2-2013 at 07:28
by: Mailinmypocket
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