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CuS isn't actually copper(II) sulfide
@j_sum1: That's the difference between high school level chemistry and chemistry at a more detailed ...
1-12-2020 at 07:50
by: woelen
GL45 bottles: blue cap versus red cap
The red caps are much more durable in certain cases. I use these red caps for storing Br2, conc. HCl ...
30-11-2020 at 02:20
by: woelen
Electrolysis with high voltage and plasma "electrode"
The setup, described in this experiment, absolutely has not any practical uses. As already mentioned ...
29-11-2020 at 14:01
by: woelen
What to do with all this ammonium sulphate?
Tetraamminecopper peroxodisulfate indeed is somewhat energetic, but it also is unstable. If you stor ...
27-11-2020 at 11:50
by: woelen
Seperation of potassium chlorate and perchlorate from perchlorate cell
No, you are not willing to distill any perchloric acid from sulfuric acid, even if you decide to dil ...
27-11-2020 at 07:38
by: woelen
Seperation of potassium chlorate and perchlorate from perchlorate cell
No, not really. It is safer, but the end-product is not very pure. The azeotrope of HClO4 and water ...
27-11-2020 at 01:35
by: woelen
Seperation of potassium chlorate and perchlorate from perchlorate cell
You really should make NaClO4, not KClO4.

Getting rid of chlorate is easy. Add some excess HCl t ...
27-11-2020 at 00:27
by: woelen
Brominating granules containing mostly Sodium Dichloro-S-Triazinetrione
I see... And if I'm going to react the Br ...
26-11-2020 at 00:42
by: woelen
Brominating granules containing mostly Sodium Dichloro-S-Triazinetrione
You can get liquid Br2 from this, but with quite some BrCl dissolved in it. Its appearance will be l ...
24-11-2020 at 10:51
by: woelen
Tungsten chemistry
My experience with the second row and third row transition metals is that their chemistry is remarka ...
24-11-2020 at 10:47
by: woelen
Nitric acid synthesis with bisulfate weirdness.
Purity of the chemicals also has a strong influence on the amount of foam. I have fertilizer grade K ...
24-11-2020 at 06:15
by: woelen
Nitric acid synthesis with bisulfate weirdness.
Don't put too much in the boiling flask. First try with a small amount (filled up to 25% or so). Add ...
23-11-2020 at 23:50
by: woelen
Nitric acid synthesis with bisulfate weirdness.
Having a temperature of well over 200 C at the boiling flask is way too high. You meed that to get a ...
23-11-2020 at 13:35
by: woelen
Latest chemical order?
Many times I have seen chemicals sold as "anhydrous". In most cases it just means that the chemical ...
23-11-2020 at 10:50
by: woelen
Attempt to make antimony thioiodide
I'm not sure, but it could also just be SbI3. Hard to tell from pictures alone. I think you really n ...
23-11-2020 at 00:54
by: woelen
Antimony Sulfide
The patent still looks strange to me. Whether Sb2S5 is a real compound or a very intimate mix of Sb2 ...
20-11-2020 at 02:02
by: woelen
Antimony Sulfide
I actually think that you have a nice result. Yield probably could be a little better, but your prod ...
20-11-2020 at 00:28
by: woelen
Are hexane and petroleum ether interchangeable?
Where I live, hexane also is cheaper. Pentane is more expensive. If I want to buy n-hexane, then I p ...
19-11-2020 at 02:34
by: woelen
Latest chemical order?
That's a really nice one! Sad that this is not possible anymore in the EU :(
19-11-2020 at 02:32
by: woelen
Interesting and colorful coordination chemistry with ethylene diamine
I bought my perchloric acid, together with another member I bought one liter and we shared the cost, ...
19-11-2020 at 02:26
by: woelen
Everyday Chemistry
Here follow pictures of the complex. One picture was made just after carefully pressing the crystals ...
18-11-2020 at 11:06
by: woelen
Everyday Chemistry
[rquote=649174&tid=84298&author=woelen]Did some crystallization of a mixed ethylenediamine/a ...
18-11-2020 at 02:16
by: woelen
Interesting and colorful coordination chemistry with ethylene diamine
That's quite big already. My crystals of nickel complexes are at most 1 mm, but most of them are sma ...
18-11-2020 at 02:09
by: woelen
Interesting and colorful coordination chemistry with ethylene diamine
Very nice crystals! How large are they?
17-11-2020 at 11:07
by: woelen
2020 Secret Santa [tell everyone how it went]
I ordered several things and expect them to arrive this week. Then I can ship the materials. Santa i ...
16-11-2020 at 00:37
by: woelen
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