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Reclaimation of H2O from steam engine/turbine - phase change energy
If anyone is playing with pressures less than 25 psi, I just found a couple dozen 1/2" thermostatic ...
5-12-2016 at 17:41
by: Bert
Reclaimation of H2O from steam engine/turbine - phase change energy
I held a boiler operator's license at one point...

As noted by others, the penalty in weight and ...
5-12-2016 at 10:07
by: Bert
DEA investigates possible HazMat lab in Newport News home
If you make large firecrackers, regardless of case materials or EM you used? ATF will probably call ...
4-12-2016 at 08:25
by: Bert
Hydrolysis of 6-MAC
Just a thrifty chemist, trying to make some profitable use of the acetyl codeine he very public spir ...
2-12-2016 at 12:31
by: Bert
App for determinging energy requirements?
I am thinking about a (non chemistry?!) project.

Does anyone use or know of any applications (pr ...
1-12-2016 at 10:54
by: Bert
Lead refining failures
That is not my personal stash of Lead- I have only got about 400 lb. or so on hand, plus perhaps an ...
29-11-2016 at 04:39
by: Bert
What the hell did I just make?
Considering the condition of your hand, lucky you could feel the self heating in time to get rid of ...
28-11-2016 at 21:07
by: Bert
Heavy metal chlorites
New material to me-

Perhaps you could try hitting a small pinch with a hammer on a steel anvil, o ...
28-11-2016 at 19:33
by: Bert
Lead refining failures
Angle iron makes a nice ingot mould, the ingots stack and interlock very nicely- See the pictures at ...
28-11-2016 at 18:08
by: Bert
Lead refining failures
FYI- Melting and then FLUXING the lead to reduce the oxides will provide a bit better economy... Cov ...
28-11-2016 at 08:30
by: Bert
Solvent drying - molecular sieves
[rquote=467654&tid=71023&author=Metacelsus]Remember, don't dry enolizable ketones (like acet ...
28-11-2016 at 07:38
by: Bert
High-order flash powder?
[rquote=467431&tid=22930&author=MineMan]Yes, Bert. It is 1 gram just for testing, not for se ...
25-11-2016 at 08:19
by: Bert
Radiant heating chamber/"light bath"
The manufacturers pdf linked here:
24-11-2016 at 21:57
by: Bert
Radiant heating chamber/"light bath"
After looking at the hot air bath/repurposed heat gun thread-

How about radiant heat rather than ...
24-11-2016 at 19:35
by: Bert
High-order flash powder?
The micro star mixtures are size limited, in my experience. At a certain rather small Dia., they exp ...
24-11-2016 at 18:24
by: Bert
How to get Methyl Ethyl Ketone (Butanone) in California or suitable alternative?

Could you take a look at the contents of PVC and CPVC CLEANERS, rather than CEMENTS?
24-11-2016 at 09:30
by: Bert
unknown substance
Potassium iodide is soluble in methanol, and PROBABLY in ethanol. Your sample dissolved in alcohol?
24-11-2016 at 07:30
by: Bert
High-order flash powder?
Particle size and shape have an effect on reaction speed of a report mixture. It is unlikely you we ...
24-11-2016 at 07:04
by: Bert
High-order flash powder?
Yes. See Shimizu FAST for details, or various other published techniques for using ammonium perchlor ...
23-11-2016 at 17:57
by: Bert
High-order flash powder?
Ammonium perchlorate with Potassium dichromate treated Magnesium powder.

Crazy people on the grou ...
23-11-2016 at 07:06
by: Bert
A Possible Case for Wearing Natural Fibers
[rquote=467174&tid=69484&author=Dr.Bob]But Nomex is great stuff for working around fire and ...
21-11-2016 at 20:44
by: Bert
Blue Flame
Try the ammonium perchlorate with Copper benzoate, bound with nitrocellulose lacquer.

There is a ...
21-11-2016 at 09:37
by: Bert
A Possible Case for Wearing Natural Fibers
Natural fibers tend not to melt onto your skin in a fireworks accident, wool and cotton are also pre ...
21-11-2016 at 09:00
by: Bert
Blue Flame
[rquote=467116&tid=70924&author=Chemetix]In pyro formulas the chlorine source is usually hex ...
21-11-2016 at 07:38
by: Bert
Blue Flame
You will not enjoy breathing the gasses coming off that blue fire mix when it burns- Likely to inclu ...
21-11-2016 at 01:19
by: Bert
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