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Short question / quick answer - Thread
We are curious on your pure yield with " 27 C and stay".....:cool:...LL
next: My question for an Gr ...
8-4-2019 at 21:10
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Det Cap Strategies
My word, same opinion. On amateur field with amateur cavity is better always use 300 mg for any pri ...
7-4-2019 at 13:18
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Not. After mixing, for example 30 minute, is necessary increase temperature on 25 C and mixing run a ...
7-4-2019 at 13:14
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Your entire procedure is OK. Consistency looks as mica is OK. Sometimes is impossible say, where is ...
7-4-2019 at 11:28
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Short question / quick answer - Thread
My experiences is, that E must be absolut dry. Fine powder E heat on 100 C by 10 minute in thin laye ...
7-4-2019 at 10:25
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Det Cap Strategies
SA.DS is best primary between classic materials. But is weak. Has 3460 m/s at best density. Is it n ...
6-4-2019 at 13:19
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Exotic Primaries - Complex Salts
Nice sharp blow. The mad formula. Great work, Snooby....:cool:....LL
The spoon got a pretty blow.. ...
6-4-2019 at 10:38
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Exotic Primaries - Complex Salts
Haha...Di- silver ATZ -perchlorate ? :o.....Only from the formula are my hair from fear up!...(or ou ...
6-4-2019 at 08:00
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Det Cap Strategies
Whats the question? Critical diameter (minimal diameter of a rod that can sustain detonation propaga ...
5-4-2019 at 07:55
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
DDNP & related compounds: The über thread!
Is it viable replacement for CHP. TACP, CHP and CGP (Tetraamine copper glycine perchlorate) are non ...
4-4-2019 at 12:28
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Was confirmed (repeatedly) very easy D2D effect with TACP 86% + 14% glycine. ( OB glycine - 95,87, T ...
3-4-2019 at 12:17
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
NaClO4 from NaClO3 via acetone
Markx have right. During process from NaClO3 on NaClO4 arises next compounds, which can damage Plati ...
3-4-2019 at 04:56
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Det Cap Strategies
Because pellet is preesed, create solid one part. This is advantage for next manipulation, inserting ...
2-4-2019 at 10:38
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Yes, success with copper-glycine-perchlorate is great. (CGP).
Advantage of CGP are neutrals crystal ...
2-4-2019 at 01:25
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Purification of sodium chlorate (removal of sodium chloride)
How to obtain NaClO4 from NaClO3 without platinum (or else anode) via acetone process, during a few ...
1-4-2019 at 12:30
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Energetic binders
MineMan meant an energetically active binder. Such as nitrocellulose, or something else - nitro - th ...
1-4-2019 at 11:54
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Det Cap Strategies
My opinion is, using instead all metal parts hard wood. For example from the Beech. And using 2% oil ...
1-4-2019 at 07:43
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Det Cap Strategies
When I see fulminate and its pressing, my hair gets up in horror. Well, what. We all need our dose o ...
1-4-2019 at 01:17
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Short question / quick answer - Thread
@Rosco Bodine
If it works, your post is one of the most valuable in the past few months. Your desc ...
30-3-2019 at 11:04
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Short question / quick answer - Thread
@FeedMe94 error is in solvent, which content some the fat or else grease impurities.
29-3-2019 at 12:08
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Your favorite primary?
Anytime, when I manipulate with SADS, I am prayer to God. Anytime when is manipulate with CHP, I smo ...
28-3-2019 at 10:07
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Tetramine copper perchlorate help?
Last picture is specimen, sample for explanation. Downloaded from stop video. Bridge is from scoure ...
28-3-2019 at 08:33
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
According this test is possible go to on density 1,7 g/cc in the vise. Enormous pressing force was 1 ...
28-3-2019 at 02:47
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
CHP works even in diameter 4 mm / 6 mm copper tube, or same diameter steel tube. Pressing is smaller ...
27-3-2019 at 07:28
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
Tetramine copper perchlorate help?

@snooby I see that you are thinking everything possible. Just not it, what works.
26-3-2019 at 23:16
by: Laboratory of Liptakov
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