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Chemist blog
Found this on an electronics newsgroup of all places, ...
6-12-2009 at 21:27
by: 12AX7
Birkeland-Eyde reactor for making nitric acid.
Yes. You need a special type of waveguide which concentrates the electric field, inducing breakdown ...
5-12-2009 at 19:53
by: 12AX7
Birkeland-Eyde reactor for making nitric acid.
[rquote=166656&tid=1518&author=Sedit]Do you know of any attempts at modifying a Microwave ov ...
5-12-2009 at 12:31
by: 12AX7
MicroShit's Newest Employees
@ax Why dont you read posts thoroughly before replyi ...
5-12-2009 at 12:25
by: 12AX7
MicroShit's Newest Employees
I am quite readily able to access ports in XP. You seem to have missed something...

http://logix ...
4-12-2009 at 21:58
by: 12AX7
Cr2O3 can be dissolved in water easily
Incidentially, is there such a thing as chromic(III) chromate(VI)? Would it disproportionate to som ...
4-12-2009 at 07:14
by: 12AX7
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
Si is even easier to purchase in powdered form, and aluminum can be alloyed with magnesium, forming ...
3-12-2009 at 07:11
by: 12AX7
Bucket cell - interesting observations
Ah, but you aren't accelerating ions, they're already moving. You're just applying a bias, and they ...
1-12-2009 at 08:51
by: 12AX7
Cr2O3 can be dissolved in water easily
That's quite interesting.

FYI, I find potassium chlorate works quite well in a stainless steel ve ...
1-12-2009 at 08:30
by: 12AX7
Bucket cell - interesting observations
It's a soup of ions, not a crystal, so I don't think you'll see fancy semiconductor effects. For in ...
30-11-2009 at 15:26
by: 12AX7
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
"Furnace Cement" is bonded with sodium silicate, as far as I know. Sticky stuff, and very thick (li ...
29-11-2009 at 00:35
by: 12AX7
Bucket cell - interesting observations
What's the steam pressure at that temperature, 50 atm? Not bad... Too bad the majority reaction wo ...
19-11-2009 at 15:37
by: 12AX7
Bucket cell - interesting observations
I would be interested to see the V-I curve (for instance, at constant V instead of constant I). Tha ...
19-11-2009 at 09:00
by: 12AX7
Don't read this if you don't want to be pissed off
Politically in$pired? Come on, it'$ all about the dollar$ign$!

18-11-2009 at 22:47
by: 12AX7
Don't read this if you don't want to be pissed off
[rquote=166181&tid=13050&author=entropy51][quote]RP was also for metal works[/quote]Please e ...
18-11-2009 at 17:00
by: 12AX7
Don't read this if you don't want to be pissed off
Isn't it SOP to ask the sellers for records or other assistance in where these products are going? ...
17-11-2009 at 18:28
by: 12AX7
Sterilization machine via electroon beam or?
Polystyrene is an excellent insulator, too.

Charge can possibly be baked out. It may not be cond ...
14-11-2009 at 13:50
by: 12AX7
Sterilization machine via electroon beam or?
Electron beam irradiation is quite excellent, but a LINAC isn't exactly homebrew equipment.

It wo ...
14-11-2009 at 10:48
by: 12AX7
Does anybody brew/ Make wine here?
I'd use some activated carbon, and bentonite or diatomaceous earth to settle it.

10-11-2009 at 20:56
by: 12AX7
The short questions thread (2)
Isotopically pure lead is rather valuable. The isotope descended from polonium, I think, decays eno ...
3-11-2009 at 08:46
by: 12AX7
The short questions thread (2)
Well, it might be economical for extracting values. Gold and silver form eutectics with lead, which ...
2-11-2009 at 21:13
by: 12AX7
Frozen joints--should I be hopeless?
I've heard that equal parts automatic transmission fluid and lacquer thinner makes a penetrating lub ...
2-11-2009 at 21:04
by: 12AX7
cant be real
[rquote=165033&tid=12984&author=hectic][quote] Wow, you brought Nazis into this. Godwin's La ...
1-11-2009 at 19:58
by: 12AX7
cant be real
[rquote=165015&tid=12984&author=entropy51][quote]Whatever you do---don't change a thing. [/q ...
28-10-2009 at 19:47
by: 12AX7
Nice demo of induction current
The extreme example, of course, being a heavy copper pipe. If you want to make a demostration, you ...
28-10-2009 at 19:40
by: 12AX7
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