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Tired of reporting spam
Is there no one that can ban that obnoxious bot? All most any post made is been spam as of late.

2-1-2019 at 12:44
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia plus nitric acid?
[rquote=574743&tid=118200&author=BOBardment][rquote=574576&tid=118200&author=MrHomeS ...
2-1-2019 at 12:40
by: XeonTheMGPony
[rquote=569136&tid=117726&author=Murexide]DCM is very volatile even at room temperature, as ...
2-1-2019 at 07:37
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia plus nitric acid?
Crappy here in sask still can ammonium nitrate.

I treat it with ammonia water then filter off the ...
1-1-2019 at 16:18
by: XeonTheMGPony
Tired of reporting spam
Why not automatically lock all inactive accounts, ie if some one makes an account and i has been ina ...
31-12-2018 at 05:41
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia Generation
You have fun with that.
30-12-2018 at 07:17
by: XeonTheMGPony
Preparation of Bromine
followed this and well it worked great

[file]72747[/file] [file]72749[/file]
29-12-2018 at 16:01
by: XeonTheMGPony
Replacing ice blocks with brine bottles?
I make 1 pound pucks and load the freezer up, for other things I wait till winter where I have unlim ...
29-12-2018 at 10:54
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia Generation
[rquote=571391&tid=108529&author=draculic acid69]Murexide: another thing I can add is that y ...
29-12-2018 at 06:56
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia Generation
Some pic's of why I been generating so much Ammonia!

I ordered some rather nasty fertilizer grade ...
28-12-2018 at 21:31
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia plus nitric acid?
[rquote=570918&tid=118200&author=BOBardment][rquote=570813&tid=118200&author=XeonThe ...
28-12-2018 at 13:02
by: XeonTheMGPony
DCM to be removed soon
[rquote=570492&tid=118759&author=DavidJR][rquote=570488&tid=118759&author=fusso]Chem ...
28-12-2018 at 09:05
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia Generation
[rquote=570615&tid=108529&author=Abromination][rquote=569604&tid=108529&author=Murex ...
28-12-2018 at 08:50
by: XeonTheMGPony
Need flammable hydrocarbon to replace animal fats in fuel source
take your animal fat in a large pot, add 3 table spoons of salt and boil and stir every so often!

28-12-2018 at 08:45
by: XeonTheMGPony
Oxalic Acid Danger
Rhubarb leaf has nice high concentrations as well
28-12-2018 at 08:40
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia plus nitric acid?
[rquote=570535&tid=118200&author=BOBardment]Battery acid 6QT, 16lb for 51.85 bucks. :)
Fina ...
28-12-2018 at 08:35
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia plus nitric acid?
[rquote=570123&tid=118200&author=happyfooddance][rquote=570095&tid=118200&author=Xeo ...
27-12-2018 at 17:56
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia plus nitric acid?
[rquote=569812&tid=118200&author=happyfooddance][rquote=569743&tid=118200&author=Xeo ...
27-12-2018 at 07:03
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia plus nitric acid?
just bubble the ammonia through the nitric, less water to deal with.
26-12-2018 at 19:54
by: XeonTheMGPony
Removing BrCl from Bromine

Best method IMO no secondary halogens used in product ...
23-12-2018 at 13:03
by: XeonTheMGPony
Lot of Chemglass flasks - anyone interested in any of these?
if not for sick dogs and broken down vehicles I'd have made more then a few orders!

Still waiting ...
15-12-2018 at 07:18
by: XeonTheMGPony
Dimethylmercury cold storage?
I have seen shit like this happen irl, same way I have seen friends in the military walk out with st ...
12-12-2018 at 16:02
by: XeonTheMGPony
I want prepair tri chlorosilane from silcon and hydrochloric acid In lab
It forms SiO2 on wet surfaces while releasing HCl gas, so it is very nasty stuff to the body as the ...
11-12-2018 at 03:29
by: XeonTheMGPony
Rusting from HCl Bottle
They are plastic coated, as mandated by safety codes for acids. That adds to the cost a bit.
8-12-2018 at 18:06
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia Generation
my set up
5-12-2018 at 17:10
by: XeonTheMGPony
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