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The short questions thread (1)
Has anyone got any info on Aluminium carbonate? eg, decomp temp?
18-9-2008 at 10:50
by: Picric-A
The short questions thread (1)
Kinda random, is the fillament of a sodium lamp made of mettalic sodium?
17-9-2008 at 11:32
by: Picric-A
Common accidents in the lab and how to avoid them
I found this video an i realised it would be a great topic to start about accidents in the lab:

h ...
17-9-2008 at 08:18
by: Picric-A
i agree with kilowatt... even if they arnt a sting op or run by the dea they will almost definatly b ...
13-9-2008 at 13:46
by: Picric-A
The short questions thread (1)
@ the acetic acid question- nothing new is formed however considerably stronger acetic acid distills ...
13-9-2008 at 10:02
by: Picric-A
Hydrogen Peroxide Production
why dont you just by 30% H2O2, it is CHEAP and readily available,
by the time you have found and bo ...
13-9-2008 at 08:28
by: Picric-A
looks dodgy... the only things they sell are sodium, sodium cyanide and nitric acid... along with as ...
13-9-2008 at 08:24
by: Picric-A
Sensitive H2O2 assay
@Alchemist - Is you peroxide stabilised? eg, most peroxide you can buy from a pharmacy contains a sm ...
12-9-2008 at 23:07
by: Picric-A
Bromine- Storage and uses
I am getting some Bromine for me and a friend. It comes in safety coated glass however that is all i ...
12-9-2008 at 12:45
by: Picric-A
Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexane
lol thanks for that panziandi... should of looked up cyclohexanes boiling point...
well it certainl ...
12-9-2008 at 10:50
by: Picric-A
Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexane
I have read in a book 'Organic Chemistry- a concise approach' that if cyclohexane is heated in the p ...
12-9-2008 at 05:15
by: Picric-A
Chlorate Cell with different electrolute
I have good access to HCl, however the K2CO3 would be the problem... i am probably going to try gett ...
11-9-2008 at 10:55
by: Picric-A
Tour My Lab
Nice hood DNA!
So are those bags hanging in the back of the hood the counter-wheights?
11-9-2008 at 06:29
by: Picric-A
Aluminum powder synthesis
manganese and iron :O that doesnt sound good :P
i had better stick to a differen source of Al for p ...
10-9-2008 at 12:20
by: Picric-A
Aluminum powder synthesis
If you are looking for mesh filters: sells em quite cheap (in UK)
cant you just p ...
10-9-2008 at 11:51
by: Picric-A
KNO3 now classed as Dangerous Goods in Australia
how easily can you buy other things such as NH4NO3 , NaClO3, NaNO3 ect...?
Luckily a rule like that ...
10-9-2008 at 11:38
by: Picric-A
Production of Ethene- destructive distillation of HD/LDPE
cool thanks, not_important, i will bear that in mind,
hmm maybe if you cool it in a dry ice/propano ...
5-9-2008 at 09:29
by: Picric-A
Production of Ethene- destructive distillation of HD/LDPE
I bought myn form a chemical supplier, it mentioins being made by thermal dehydration of aluminium h ...
4-9-2008 at 06:07
by: Picric-A
Production of Ethene- destructive distillation of HD/LDPE
hey thanks for the great reply smuv!
My Al2O3 is actually a powder mixed with glass wool and i only ...
4-9-2008 at 03:01
by: Picric-A
Production of Ethene- destructive distillation of HD/LDPE
Surly then when you cool the remaining gasses comming out at around -3 degrees C they will condense? ...
3-9-2008 at 16:53
by: Picric-A
Production of Ethene- destructive distillation of HD/LDPE
yep i got lighter fluid, is that hexane?
nope no soot, I will try using lighter fluid tommorox and ...
3-9-2008 at 15:12
by: Picric-A
Production of Ethene- destructive distillation of HD/LDPE
Today i decided to make some ethene (just for the hell of it :P)

A bit of research gave me these ...
3-9-2008 at 14:27
by: Picric-A
homebuilt fume hood
ozone labs, what do you use your nitrogen for? a inert gas?
On my home built fume hood it doesnt ex ...
2-9-2008 at 12:22
by: Picric-A
Calcium Carbide CaC2 - Acquisition, Uses and Synthesis
Cool thanks for the help guys, when i get round to making a new furnace and doing the reaction again ...
1-9-2008 at 10:14
by: Picric-A
Calcium Carbide CaC2 - Acquisition, Uses and Synthesis
Yes i have read that thread several times,
Last time i did this procedure everything worked out we ...
31-8-2008 at 16:03
by: Picric-A
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