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Separating Oils from a Hydrosol
Solvent extraction in the sep funnel would be the best option- I would try shaking ~25 ml portions o ...
26-5-2013 at 06:33
by: Mailinmypocket
Chems from product
Good luck finding carbon tetrachloride though- due to its environmental impact it has been (or is?) ...
16-5-2013 at 08:52
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (1)
Some 4-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) which was recrystallized from vitamin supplement capsules. Absolutel ...
16-5-2013 at 06:19
by: Mailinmypocket
The short questions thread (3)
Or you could just buy this and spray your wires with a very dilute solution of it:

http://www.eba ...
9-5-2013 at 16:39
by: Mailinmypocket
Latest chemical order?
2 kg of lithium hypochlorite from the pool store
~400ml absolute ethanol as a gracious gift from my ...
9-5-2013 at 11:46
by: Mailinmypocket
Using bottled gas with a Bunsen burner
Doing it up- MacGyver style! This thing has lasted me ... Pfff... Over 10 years if not more! I do ha ...
9-5-2013 at 07:58
by: Mailinmypocket
Using bottled gas with a Bunsen burner
[rquote=283588&tid=24181&author=Finnnicus]Thats a different tank, at least for me here in au ...
8-5-2013 at 21:00
by: Mailinmypocket
Using bottled gas with a Bunsen burner
What is actually easier is using a blowtorch tank attachment! Just remove the torch nozzle and keep ...
8-5-2013 at 20:37
by: Mailinmypocket
Pyrophoric copper: How?
Check out this thread, within it the member Peach has a post with lots of pictures of the dry distil ...
2-5-2013 at 07:08
by: Mailinmypocket
Chemistry for camping?
There's a neat trick you can do by wrapping some cotton (kept dry in a bag) with some steel wool, to ...
1-5-2013 at 08:38
by: Mailinmypocket
What chemicals do you need?
Open a dispute with Paypal- Sometimes that rattles the sellers cage a bit more than emails... That i ...
26-4-2013 at 09:56
by: Mailinmypocket
Does AJKOER needs a title?
What purpose would that have? Hang out here long enough and you can easily see the trend of long th ...
23-4-2013 at 15:11
by: Mailinmypocket
Potassium Chlorate from Electrolysis - yay :)
Firstly, if you can, find some MMO mesh on eBay. It will produce a perfect white product everytime. ...
23-4-2013 at 13:28
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (1)
[rquote=281784&tid=14644&author=kristofvagyok][rquote=281702&tid=14644&author=Adas]T ...
20-4-2013 at 10:37
by: Mailinmypocket
Make Potassium (from
I miss how this thread used to be up until a short time ago- with experiment results and ideas, pict ...
20-4-2013 at 08:27
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (1)
[rquote=281735&tid=14644&author=platedish29][rquote=281456&tid=14644&author=Mailinmy ...
18-4-2013 at 19:33
by: Mailinmypocket
Ground glass quartz tube
Same here... I have a large quartz test tube but have had an impossibly difficult time finding a gla ...
17-4-2013 at 13:14
by: Mailinmypocket
The short questions thread (3)
Are you talking about water pressure from the cooling, or negative pressure from the vacuum? Condens ...
17-4-2013 at 08:30
by: Mailinmypocket
Synthesis of aurin, first picture shows the phenol and oxalic acid beginning to react. Second is of ...
16-4-2013 at 12:54
by: Mailinmypocket
Barium oxalate under microscope
Toluene should be easy enough to find, I hear you about the CS2 stink though... Toluene may in fact ...
15-4-2013 at 03:55
by: Mailinmypocket
Barium oxalate under microscope
I have made a sulfur solution in carbon tetrachloride and played a drop on a slide, watch the solven ...
15-4-2013 at 03:22
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (1)
Curcumin, from 28g of tumeric.

[file]23134[/file] [file]23140[/file]
13-4-2013 at 03:17
by: Mailinmypocket
Son getting in to chemistry.. glassware or apparatus suggestions?
[rquote=280765&tid=23955&author=hafnium]If you don't want to order from China, someone's sel ...
11-4-2013 at 18:39
by: Mailinmypocket
Kitchen Hot Plates
To the UK...I think You might be better off on eBay or with a good kitchen hotplate! Wow... Ridiculo ...
11-4-2013 at 16:14
by: Mailinmypocket
Number of atoms
And how many other atoms does each molecule have?
11-4-2013 at 14:33
by: Mailinmypocket
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