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Bemotrizinol — the sunscreen FDA won't let us have
Hm, that is a good question. You cannot buy:

3,5-bis(3-(2-ethylhexyloxy)phenol-6-yl)-chloro-s-tri ...
26-5-2021 at 18:58
by: clearly_not_atara
Bemotrizinol — the sunscreen FDA won't let us have

3,5-Bis-(3-(2-ethylhexyl)-oxyphenol-6-yl)-p-methoxyphen ...
26-5-2021 at 16:52
by: clearly_not_atara
Nearly glacial acetic acid
Sodium bisulfate is hygroscopic and forms a monohydrate. This might explain your observations. I thi ...
26-5-2021 at 14:53
by: clearly_not_atara
Green hydrogen production
[rquote=660695&tid=157510&author=S.C. Wack]
I'm talking about using wind-powered hydrolysis ...
25-5-2021 at 12:11
by: clearly_not_atara
Orthosilicate esters from silica gel
[rquote=660660&tid=157461&author=Triflic Acid]Boiling sulfur. What fun. I guess I'll stick t ...
25-5-2021 at 08:38
by: clearly_not_atara
Green hydrogen production
^ Okay, I'm curious. We're turning mechanical energy into chemical energy? If you're talking about w ...
24-5-2021 at 17:37
by: clearly_not_atara
Green hydrogen production
Pretty much the only thing that is relevant is photocatalytic water splitting; everything else has a ...
24-5-2021 at 12:20
by: clearly_not_atara
Orthosilicate esters from silica gel
^The Wiki seems to say you need to use aluminium sulfide, not sulfur, to obtain this compound. I'd b ...
24-5-2021 at 06:08
by: clearly_not_atara
Oxalyl Chloride Challenge
BzCl + H2C2O4 >> BzOH + CO2 + CO + HCl

22-5-2021 at 08:26
by: clearly_not_atara
Orthosilicate esters from silica gel
Supposing that the tetrakis-(2-hydroxyethoxy)-silane can be isolated and solubilized, one might cons ...
22-5-2021 at 08:11
by: clearly_not_atara
Aminoguanidine bicarbonate from urea, P2O5, and hydrazine
I agree with Boffis -- I doubt that throwing dehydrating agents at urea is likely to produce any cya ...
22-5-2021 at 07:57
by: clearly_not_atara
Anti bike theft agent
[rquote=654388&tid=155483&author=artemov]Sorry to revive this, I have a genuine issue here : ...
21-5-2021 at 11:45
by: clearly_not_atara
Vilsmeier reagent/POCl3 formation
Indole is about as reactive as phenol. Reactions that work on indoles do not generally generalize.
21-5-2021 at 04:04
by: clearly_not_atara
Red Cabbage pH test
Actually, recently I had been tossing around the idea of titrating baking soda and lime juice to mak ...
20-5-2021 at 20:10
by: clearly_not_atara
Acetic anhydride preparation
^Considering I didn't say [i]anything[/i] about using "salt" with muriatic, I'm not sure what you th ...
19-5-2021 at 15:11
by: clearly_not_atara
Acetic anhydride preparation
Right, but you're comparing all of these distillations to heating a jar on a hot plate for a few hou ...
19-5-2021 at 08:24
by: clearly_not_atara
N-acetyl MDA from helional
In the paper [b]Opylation[/b] posted, helional is [i]not[/i] prepared from piperonal, for anyone who ...
19-5-2021 at 08:14
by: clearly_not_atara
Reaction of elemental potassium with sodium hydroxide
I don't think this can be answered except by experiment. You may also produce NaK, which is pyrophor ...
18-5-2021 at 15:56
by: clearly_not_atara
Acetic anhydride preparation
When you are dehydrating muriatic acid, the residue in the rxn flask can be heated to regenerate... ...
18-5-2021 at 15:49
by: clearly_not_atara
Acetic anhydride preparation
I don't think that dripping concentrated sulfuric acid onto table salt is a very good HCl gas genera ...
18-5-2021 at 11:47
by: clearly_not_atara
Carbon disulfide synthesis (alternative routes)
Suppose you react a thiocyanate salt with S2Cl2:

2 KSCN + S2Cl2 >> 2 KCl + NCS-S-S-S-CN?

17-5-2021 at 19:05
by: clearly_not_atara
Vilsmeier reagent/POCl3 formation
[rquote=660117&tid=157441&author=zed]POCl3 can be synthesized by the reaction between P2O5 a ...
17-5-2021 at 12:39
by: clearly_not_atara
How to mix cocoa powder with sugar and milk?
Yeah, of course. I always do it with honey, it's just reliable.
16-5-2021 at 19:32
by: clearly_not_atara
Most toxic compound OTC?
[rquote=658428&tid=155450&author=BauArf56]10% hydrofluoric acid is sometimes sold as rust re ...
16-5-2021 at 13:20
by: clearly_not_atara
Greek fire -- why not alum?
The composition of Greek fire has long been a mystery, due to its disappearance and the general lack ...
16-5-2021 at 08:48
by: clearly_not_atara
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