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Interest in carbon disulfide?
Just throwing this out there: I recently obtained 1l of carbon disulfide, but don't really need that ...
6-7-2013 at 08:17
by: Mailinmypocket
Vanillin purity
[rquote=290851&tid=24909&author=Hexavalent]I purchased vanillin from the same supplier a few ...
5-7-2013 at 09:11
by: Mailinmypocket
Vanillin purity
[rquote=290833&tid=24909&author=watson.fawkes][rquote=290787&tid=24909&author=Mailin ...
5-7-2013 at 06:26
by: Mailinmypocket
Vanillin purity
Well, after asking for a list of ingredients, manufacturer or label, the response was :

"Well.It ...
4-7-2013 at 14:16
by: Mailinmypocket
Vanillin purity
[rquote=290769&tid=24909&author=Scr0t]I bought some vanillin from this supplier last year an ...
4-7-2013 at 12:20
by: Mailinmypocket
Vanillin purity
I have requested that information from them for "health reasons" since it quite obviously is not pur ...
4-7-2013 at 11:02
by: Mailinmypocket
Vanillin purity
Thanks for the info- I am going to try some solubility and recrystallization experiments tomorrow to ...
3-7-2013 at 16:42
by: Mailinmypocket
Bad days in the lab or with glassware?
[rquote=290630&tid=13214&author=bfesser]Recover that mercury! My condolences on your thermo ...
3-7-2013 at 16:31
by: Mailinmypocket
Bad days in the lab or with glassware?
60$ thermometer... Enough said :(

3-7-2013 at 14:12
by: Mailinmypocket
Vanillin purity
I recently purchased some vanillin powder:

Having done som ...
3-7-2013 at 13:57
by: Mailinmypocket
Fluorine salts aqcuisition?
Calcium fluoride can be had easily on eBay etc, sodium fluoride as well...

Somewhat related, som ...
2-7-2013 at 11:02
by: Mailinmypocket
Lovely Smells
Pure vanillin smells wonderful, when I ordered some I could smell my mailbox a meter away and knew i ...
2-7-2013 at 09:34
by: Mailinmypocket
Getting reagent grade chemicals from the pharmacy
[rquote=290399&tid=16201&author=Hexavalent]They'll sell you diethyl ether but not silver nit ...
2-7-2013 at 07:59
by: Mailinmypocket
Detritus Approved?!?
Most of the threads in detritus related to drug synthesis are not presented in a scientific manner. ...
25-6-2013 at 11:44
by: Mailinmypocket
Better prepublication sub forum
That would indeed be a very neat addition to the forum, I am always impressed with the nice synthese ...
21-6-2013 at 07:07
by: Mailinmypocket
best magnetic stirrer hot plate for 150$
I was able to get a used Corning PC-420D on eBay for about 250$. It's all digital, LCD for the tempe ...
19-6-2013 at 14:55
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (1)
[rquote=288501&tid=14644&author=Endimion17]Oh great, new wallpapers for my desktop have arri ...
18-6-2013 at 11:21
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (1)
Phthalimide crystals that sublimed in the mouth of a reaction tube, taking macro pictures with an iP ...
18-6-2013 at 09:33
by: Mailinmypocket
Chart of Plastic Resistances to Chemicals
[rquote=287180&tid=24521&author=Hexavalent]Do you know which tubings they send? What materia ...
7-6-2013 at 14:12
by: Mailinmypocket
Chart of Plastic Resistances to Chemicals
It was the CAD version- actually while on the topic of catalogs, Cole-Parmer will send samples of al ...
7-6-2013 at 14:00
by: Mailinmypocket
Chart of Plastic Resistances to Chemicals

The one I a ...
7-6-2013 at 13:52
by: Mailinmypocket
Chart of Plastic Resistances to Chemicals
[url=]Here[/url] is another cha ...
7-6-2013 at 03:24
by: Mailinmypocket
Detect adulteration of dextrose with salt?
You can detect chlorides with a solution of silver nitrate, add a few drops of the latter to a solut ...
5-6-2013 at 13:27
by: Mailinmypocket
Synthesis of Diethyl Ether
[rquote=286063&tid=24434&author=Magpie] It's as if they want all procedures to be reduced t ...
29-5-2013 at 10:59
by: Mailinmypocket
Have at it.. whats your coolest reactions/experiment in the home lab?
[rquote=285952&tid=24414&author=Vargouille]I like the Briggs-Rauscher reaction. The only thi ...
29-5-2013 at 07:30
by: Mailinmypocket
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