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Hello all!

Recently I've been reading a great deal on the various theories of coordination chemis ...
27-4-2008 at 15:41
by: octave
cheap glass beware!
Bomex is bad? I've used it for awhile and it seems fine to me, but then again maybe I'm just lucky : ...
26-4-2008 at 20:31
by: octave
PETN synth
Dang I didn't know people here lived near me! Pentaerythritol isn't readily available for purchase f ...
25-4-2008 at 19:22
by: octave
Somthing staining my flask
I was thinking I should but it should have already been basic from neutralization.I have messed up s ...
16-3-2008 at 10:20
by: octave
Somthing staining my flask
Hello all!

Recently I have decided to do experiments with reverse Friedel Crafts on toluene, and ...
16-3-2008 at 10:04
by: octave
synthesis of Allantoic acid
or is it Acetoacetic acid
17-2-2008 at 09:55
by: octave
liebig or west?
Oh I think I'm grasping the picture now. This would be another reason to discard the first few ml of ...
29-1-2008 at 04:09
by: octave
liebig or west?
What exactly does holdup mean?
27-1-2008 at 18:13
by: octave
liebig or west?
Hello everyone! I have recently purchased a reflux double jacket condenser and am very pleased with ...
24-1-2008 at 14:34
by: octave
Holy crap I wish I knew half as much as you do haha. Thank you for your assistance.
24-11-2007 at 21:20
by: octave
Another question pertaining to Benzenediols. Salicylic Acid can be attained by the hydrolysis of Ac ...
24-11-2007 at 20:42
by: octave
Wow i need to put my nose back in my books! Thank you for helping :).

[Edited on 19-11-2007 by octa ...
19-11-2007 at 19:22
by: octave
Hello everyone! I've had a passion for chemistry ever since age 4 or 5 with Baking Soda and Acetic A ...
19-11-2007 at 16:47
by: octave

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