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Best way for getting high density ?
And what about ANNMSA ? It's pretty effective.
8-10-2011 at 01:13
by: Phantom
Best way for getting high density ?
Have you ever tried NG/PETN ? Density >1.6 g/cm*3 and it's VoD=~8000m/s
6-10-2011 at 05:21
by: Phantom
NAN3 synth
Yes, you're right sorry.

Here is my source:
28-9-2011 at 09:20
by: Phantom
NAN3 synth
Here is a synthesis but in your place I wouldn't try to make it.


This not ...
28-9-2011 at 08:43
by: Phantom
help make white fuming nitric acid.
Here, this will help you> ...
28-9-2011 at 08:33
by: Phantom
Flash power detonation?
I successfully detonated 22g ANNMAL with abot 2g flash so it works
9-9-2011 at 12:33
by: Phantom

First of all it is not a primary explosive. It is very easy to make. You'll need only NH3, NH4NO ...
21-8-2011 at 02:03
by: Phantom
HDN Synthesis Problem
Try to make HDN with 30% HCl instead of HNO3. I made my HDN with HCl. I dissolved some AN in water t ...
14-8-2011 at 01:15
by: Phantom
Silver Acetylide synthesis
You mean silver acetylide is more dangerous when you press few mg to a strw than HMTD?
21-7-2011 at 00:14
by: Phantom
"Milk" Booster
Thanks for the info Harry! Now I'm sure I not gonna make it. :D
21-7-2011 at 00:01
by: Phantom
Silver Acetylide synthesis
I'm about to make some Ag2C2 * AgNO3 and I heard lots of things about it.
Acetylene from CaC2 usua ...
20-7-2011 at 14:34
by: Phantom
"Milk" Booster
You're welcome.

Yes, I always ask somebody expert or just a more practised person who already don ...
20-7-2011 at 13:23
by: Phantom
"Milk" Booster
[rquote=216359&tid=17030&author=Bot0nist]Phantom, when dealing with energetics, or any chemi ...
20-7-2011 at 12:55
by: Phantom
"Milk" Booster
So I was surfing on the net and found a PDF file called: Improvised Primary Explosives (by Dirk Gold ...
19-7-2011 at 03:25
by: Phantom

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