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Lamp work - hollow glass sphere Whats the application? Because making something this small isn't going to be easy. Does it need to b ... |
4-1-2021 at 02:13 by: Chemetix |
Organometallic liquid gold luster The general description of the formulation of these lustres is a metal oxide suspended in an alkyd r ... |
23-12-2020 at 16:58 by: Chemetix |
Glassware PLUS joints? Indian glass, I can tell from the blue decal and it's font on the joint indicating the joint size. |
20-11-2020 at 18:53 by: Chemetix |
Does methanol smell like anything to you? "Excuse me Miss...Does this handkerchief smell like chloroform?" |
13-11-2020 at 23:29 by: Chemetix |
Have just started a scientific glassblowing company in eastern Washington state This is what I see
[file]84476[/file] |
13-11-2020 at 02:57 by: Chemetix |
Have just started a scientific glassblowing company in eastern Washington state I cant find the site. Being the old www prefix most servers ignore it. it's not secure. |
12-11-2020 at 16:31 by: Chemetix |
Can common soda glass bottles be reshaped? A piece of copper pipe in a drill and some fine sand made into a paste with oil and water will cut a ... |
8-11-2020 at 15:24 by: Chemetix |
Use Borosilicate Chemical Storage Bottle with GL45 Thread as Reaction Flask? The lids can be changed to have a hole with a silicon teflon seal. Making an adapter to connect to j ... |
1-11-2020 at 14:01 by: Chemetix |
HELP w/ diagnosis/treatment of skin condition Another option is change your diet to more good bacteria friendly foods. Anything that will ferment ... |
29-10-2020 at 18:54 by: Chemetix |
Should Knowledge Be Free? If the public purse has paid for the research, even a small amount, then the research needs to be pu ... |
26-10-2020 at 00:03 by: Chemetix |
Platinum Laboratory Services "Your joint breaking has nothing to do with the quality of the glass"
Actually, in this case I'm ... |
17-10-2020 at 21:32 by: Chemetix |
Glassware and economics Let me tell you a tale of two stuck joints. On the left is a chinese flanged lid which has a broken ... |
17-10-2020 at 16:48 by: Chemetix |
How to seal a threaded stainless steel retort ? Carbon tape might work? A graphite impregnated silica thread wound onto the thread could also be an ... |
16-10-2020 at 12:24 by: Chemetix |
Aluminum oxide (sapphire) glassware? If you really need a high temp clear glass then Aluminium Oxynitride would be the go. Fantastically ... |
15-10-2020 at 15:42 by: Chemetix |
Flat Flange lid not grounded o-ring Ok I'm getting my head around your problem, your phrasing is a little awkward, English is not your n ... |
1-10-2020 at 13:48 by: Chemetix |
Flat Flange lid not grounded o-ring Find some carborundum grit ( fine but not too fine) and just add some with water to make a paste, to ... |
1-10-2020 at 04:04 by: Chemetix |
Novelty/Interesting ways of generating continuous light? I think I might have to try the cadmium lamp. Although I'll use a quartz halogen tube with it's mode ... |
26-9-2020 at 01:09 by: Chemetix |
The disappearance of cheap ebay laboratory glassware You can always ask your local glass blower, we often have old second hand stuff going cheap. Our mad ... |
25-9-2020 at 21:42 by: Chemetix |
Making dichloromethane from methane/chlorine This is a can of worms, there are two main routes to DCM, the one you have chosen is the direct chlo ... |
20-9-2020 at 15:17 by: Chemetix |
Gravitational wave paradox I floated this idea on SM a while ago, ok similar, but the paradox I raised was this: If gravitation ... |
13-9-2020 at 16:36 by: Chemetix |
DIY burners and torches
Picture from site below.It is easy to see/understand the constuction because the torch is ... |
11-9-2020 at 11:24 by: Chemetix |
Post mix torches
I'll show you a selection of what we call post mix torches, where the oxy and fuel mix at the face ... |
10-9-2020 at 20:42 by: Chemetix |
Making Scientific Glassware I'm going to try and get more posts on here on how to make your own glassware and glassblowing in ge ... |
29-8-2020 at 16:24 by: Chemetix |
HHO Flame Generator for Glaswork
have you heard of this H2 torch hack before? It sounds like you might be a professional ... |
23-8-2020 at 17:55 by: Chemetix |
Oxidation and reduction in molten glasses (glassworking) I'm a glassblower, and do artistic stuff with the glass as well, chemistry is a big part of precess ... |
19-8-2020 at 16:12 by: Chemetix |
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