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Magnetic Stirrer and Ice Baths
I also use this type of system often except I avoid using any metallic receptacle to hold the bath a ...
14-12-2013 at 06:58
by: Mailinmypocket
How do I make cinnamic acid from cinnamon?
[rquote=305448&tid=26983&author=Paddywhacker][rquote=305356&tid=26983&author=Jmap sc ...
14-12-2013 at 06:49
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (2)
@DJF90 - Thanks, not sublimed though. These crystals were produced by 2x recrystallization from boil ...
14-12-2013 at 06:41
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (2)
Tried the oxidation of paracetamol to p-benzoquinone with aqua regia. The appearance looks good but ...
11-12-2013 at 05:54
by: Mailinmypocket
Synthesis of Sodium permanganate
I have tried looking quickly but couldn't find it and due to my laziness aborted the search. If you ...
5-12-2013 at 14:48
by: Mailinmypocket
reaction between thiocyanate and nitric acid
Out of interest I also tried this experiment, with less HNO3 and a more or less concentrated KSCN so ...
5-12-2013 at 14:11
by: Mailinmypocket
Brazil OTC sources
Not sure if these people still sell to individuals, but you may want to contact Lafan and find out:
4-12-2013 at 08:43
by: Mailinmypocket
Latest chemical order?
You get MEK at Canadian tire!? What province are you in? I need to go to a special supplier for that
23-11-2013 at 13:00
by: Mailinmypocket
Capturing O2 to breath
I don't really understand the whole point of the oxygen bars. In my attempt to understand them I onc ...
23-11-2013 at 06:18
by: Mailinmypocket
Remarkable reaction with adjustable delay
Came across a somewhat similar experiment, albeit not as violent or complex. Thought I would share i ...
19-11-2013 at 05:39
by: Mailinmypocket
Latest chemical order?
A few neat items :)

Sodium sulfide

And for tormenting my house plants,

[file]2 ...
17-11-2013 at 10:56
by: Mailinmypocket
[Advice Sought] I'm trying to generate a dry CO2 atmosphere to extract Li in.
Perhaps canned duster will provide the blanket of gas needed?
9-11-2013 at 15:46
by: Mailinmypocket
Best and worst smelling chemicals?
Not the best or worst smelling, but I finished a synthesis of salicylamide and I've got to say... Wh ...
9-11-2013 at 09:49
by: Mailinmypocket
How do I make cinnamic acid from cinnamon?
You isolated cinnamon? Do you mean you steam distilled cinnamon oil from cinnamon itself?
28-10-2013 at 17:08
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (2)
I love my tritium keychain! Maybe not "pretty" but really neat to always see the thing glowing after ...
26-10-2013 at 18:31
by: Mailinmypocket
Medical UVB Tubes
It's hard to say without knowing the dimensions and power requirements...
23-10-2013 at 16:18
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (2)
I *think* that on the left is triethylamine, then sulfur trioxide (something..) complex and dimethyl ...
18-10-2013 at 16:39
by: Mailinmypocket
Mantle or hotplace & stirrer for first heating device?
If you use a coiled element hotplate sandbaths are great. Maybe it's my usual bad luck, but once I w ...
18-10-2013 at 14:27
by: Mailinmypocket
Vacuum Distillation Pump
Those pumps are not built for having chemical fumes go through them. You would need a cold trap to c ...
16-10-2013 at 12:31
by: Mailinmypocket
Unknown, toxic substance in bath salt package
That is very odd. Was this bought in a pharmacy? Have you tried adding some into a glass of water to ...
12-10-2013 at 11:44
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (2)
Sublimated phthalimide in a large test tube, thought it was neat :)

***edit*** Looking at it now, ...
11-10-2013 at 16:40
by: Mailinmypocket
The Short Questions Thread (4)
Can't help, per se. But as far as weight goes you would be better off dumping the contents into some ...
11-10-2013 at 15:39
by: Mailinmypocket
Preparation of soluble starch
No need to filter or muck around with bleach and stuff. Cold water starch paste, mixed into boiling ...
11-10-2013 at 12:03
by: Mailinmypocket
Preparation of soluble starch
For this reaction very little starch is required. You can easily make a "solution" by stirring starc ...
11-10-2013 at 11:39
by: Mailinmypocket
Obtaining chemicals in the Netherlands doesn't work for me. Damn first post "I can get you anything" suppliers.

I've come to ...
10-10-2013 at 07:51
by: Mailinmypocket
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