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Diethyl ether synthesis, maximum allowed water?
68% sulphuric acid is 72% water on a mole basis !!!
and that's not counting the extra water in the ...
30-5-2020 at 09:19
by: wg48temp9
ethylnitrolic acid
From one of the OP's references is the facile synthesis of the interesting compound ethylnitrolic ac ...
29-5-2020 at 04:48
by: wg48temp9
Birkland-Eyde focused only on Reactor Design for fast Cooling
Perhaps you need something like this 55cm arc from a 5kW half bridge inverter. :o

[file]81266[/ ...
28-5-2020 at 11:50
by: wg48temp9
Apologies for the downtime
[rquote=636946&tid=155471&author=Polverone]I saw in my email today that the site was down. B ...
28-5-2020 at 09:59
by: wg48temp9
Is anyone else having problems with new threads & board not loading - since 5/26?
The Todays Posts page was blank because until now the site has been down for a few days. Old posts a ...
28-5-2020 at 09:49
by: wg48temp9
What was the problem ?
I see SM is back and apparently working.

What was the problem?
28-5-2020 at 09:42
by: wg48temp9
Ytterbium used in synthesis
First time I have seen it used:


PS: From wiki the reason its used is: Lanth ...
24-5-2020 at 10:15
by: wg48temp9
Coronavirus pandemic model
Below is paper describing the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) Pandeic model ...
23-5-2020 at 00:41
by: wg48temp9
DIY Heating mantle

I suggest all to read the entire comment ...
19-5-2020 at 07:06
by: wg48temp9
Latest chemical order?
My order for a 1/4in stainless steel needle valve arrived today. It cost £5.30 including ...
19-5-2020 at 06:21
by: wg48temp9
Questions about mRNA vaccine for Coronavirus
Its amazing how much we know about the biochemistry of cells and how we can use that knowledge. PCR ...
18-5-2020 at 06:06
by: wg48temp9
Questions about mRNA vaccine for Coronavirus
So they synthesis a mRNA corresponding to part of the protein outer envelop of a virus. The mRNA is ...
18-5-2020 at 05:17
by: wg48temp9
Free energy Idea, need thoughts
Initially I was unable to get the sums correct and balance but I think I have it now.

There is an ...
17-5-2020 at 00:02
by: wg48temp9
Using a halogen lamp as a enclosed heater element?
The limit on the quartz tube is about 1100C but the molybdenum seals must be kept below 300C or the ...
14-5-2020 at 00:19
by: wg48temp9
Coronavirus pandemic model
I built a pandemic simple growth model using Mathcad, using a reproduction parameter (R) an incubat ...
12-5-2020 at 18:35
by: wg48temp9
Vacuum pump for vacuum distillation.
[rquote=635256&tid=155264&author=mackolol]And how does the glassware handle such a high vacu ...
3-5-2020 at 03:15
by: wg48temp9
High Voltage with High Power for Birkland-Eyde reactor
[rquote=635250&tid=155278&author=FranzAnton]ok thank you for your hint. I will stop posting ...
3-5-2020 at 01:30
by: wg48temp9
Vacuum pump for vacuum distillation.
While connected to a vacuum some vacuum pumps will not start because of the limited starting torqu ...
2-5-2020 at 22:55
by: wg48temp9
Potassium Dichromate? and Oxalic Acid
I was curious about Croft's salt. I found Croft's paper on it perhaps it will help you. From a quick ...
23-4-2020 at 11:36
by: wg48temp9
Possible routes for synthesis of esters of tertiary alcohols and phenols, using carboxylic acids
Does this work for synthesising oxalic acid ...
22-4-2020 at 06:32
by: wg48temp9
Possible routes for synthesis of esters of tertiary alcohols and phenols, using carboxylic acids
[rquote=634495&tid=155202&author=mackolol][rquote=634425&tid=155202&author=wg48temp9 ...
21-4-2020 at 09:51
by: wg48temp9
Leaking stopcock on addition funnel
[rquote=634501&tid=155211&author=Draeger][rquote=634499&tid=155211&author=wg48temp9] ...
21-4-2020 at 05:17
by: wg48temp9
Leaking stopcock on addition funnel
Beg borrow or buy an intensely coloured lipstick. Lightly smear the conical surface of the plug with ...
21-4-2020 at 03:12
by: wg48temp9
Possible routes for synthesis of esters of tertiary alcohols and phenols, using carboxylic acids
You forgot the boric acid method for phenols. Posted here only 9 days ago!


20-4-2020 at 01:26
by: wg48temp9
Help with lecture bottles?

The packless valve design look spot on. Any idea ...
20-4-2020 at 00:38
by: wg48temp9
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