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organic chemistry glassware It will depend on your course and what experiments are being done. I would think at least: conical ... |
16-5-2006 at 08:22 by: DrP |
Stability of halogenated carbocations We THINK that the first case is true - The Cl withdraws electron density, destablising the cation ev ... |
10-5-2006 at 02:47 by: DrP |
Purity test for grocery Ca(NO3)2 What would they add - CaCO3? Dolomite? If for pottery then something more heat resistant for firi ... |
9-5-2006 at 06:10 by: DrP |
why gold is yellow? Hmm, yea, I see your point - I wouldn't call copper yellow either (because it's not).
I tend ... |
9-5-2006 at 01:44 by: DrP |
why gold is yellow? "but that copper is yellow seems very strange to me."
It doesn't say copper is yellow, it says go ... |
9-5-2006 at 00:41 by: DrP |
The Smell of Iron, Copper I can smell copper coins - might be my imagination but I think they smell more when wet (??) and o ... |
25-4-2006 at 05:27 by: DrP |
how to be precipitated paint from thinner ? first thing I thought of was dropwise addition into a nonsolvent for the paints binder (like water o ... |
25-4-2006 at 05:25 by: DrP |
Crystal Growing OK, I've got some CuCl and was going to try crystal growing with it but probably wont bother now ... |
25-4-2006 at 05:22 by: DrP |
Flexible heating elements [quote]
I must say, the danger is exaggerated.
I'll second that - that dangers hav ... |
19-4-2006 at 01:04 by: DrP |
Dissolving rust without damaging Al? Tannic acid, phosphoric acid and oxolic acids are all used in common rust conversion products. I con ... |
18-4-2006 at 06:52 by: DrP |
Benzene reagents [quote]
is the CCl4/Br2 system some known organic system for preforming halogenation reactions?
[ ... |
5-4-2006 at 05:29 by: DrP |
dry ethanol, ether, THF... How about distillation? For the higher boiling point solvents, we used to leave lengths of sodium ... |
4-4-2006 at 07:41 by: DrP |
Capsaicin extraction and isolation [quote]
Wear gloves while your chopping, guess who didn't...
Hmm... My friends hous ... |
30-3-2006 at 04:21 by: DrP |
perlite for high temperature purposes [quote]
White perlite granules are the result of the expansion of combined water vaporizing in the ... |
23-3-2006 at 03:34 by: DrP |
perlite for high temperature purposes [quote]
In contrast, castable refractory places 1W/m-K, or less
OK then your right Tim ... |
23-3-2006 at 01:46 by: DrP |
perlite for high temperature purposes [quote]
Mullite is great for very high temperatures (cast steel for instance) but f-all on insulati ... |
22-3-2006 at 07:49 by: DrP |
ask for advice regarding project proposal writing In respect to websites there are a number which give outlines. Rather than give you any one type 'w ... |
22-3-2006 at 02:56 by: DrP |
perlite for high temperature purposes LOL.. yea you want to take it easy and lift it 25 kg at a time (probably comes in 25kg bags anyway) ... |
22-3-2006 at 02:52 by: DrP |
What is the most ignorant thing you have ever done while conducting an experiment? Not me I hasten to add, but my GF was teaching in the undergrad lab last week and was asked by one g ... |
21-3-2006 at 08:15 by: DrP |
Crystal Growing [quote]
How are they actually formed to look so pretty? Is it simply dissolving the substance in a ... |
21-3-2006 at 07:58 by: DrP |
may i know any brilliant website for the info about all the agent hazards I reckon the best bet is to get your suppliers to send you the most up to date MSDS's for the materi ... |
21-3-2006 at 02:47 by: DrP |
Simple distillation question Also for purity of the toluene, if you need it dry, we used to put sodium wire into the toluene to b ... |
17-3-2006 at 08:17 by: DrP |
Sodium Silicate based coating Hi Chemoleo, I've tried using glycerol / glycerine and I'm getting the same effect after a couple ... |
17-3-2006 at 04:11 by: DrP |
Chemical phobia? I can't get the link to work. Is this about fizzy drinks containing traces of benzine due to the s ... |
13-3-2006 at 03:39 by: DrP |
Looking for Medicinal Leeches Are you really going to use them on your own bruises, won't a steak or some
ice packs do?
... |
10-3-2006 at 02:39 by: DrP |
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