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Mercury -Toxicity
Pyrovus - today's drugs are every bit as dangerous! Maybe a slight exaggeration, but I have been the ...
26-6-2007 at 21:37
by: DerAlte
Li/MnO2 batteries
Absolutely, S.C. Wack. IIRC only LiMnO4 cells contain naked lithium.

I mislabelled this thread. I ...
25-6-2007 at 09:53
by: DerAlte
Ciscosdad, I don't see why one could not distill under reduced pressure. Acetone boils at about 59C, ...
24-6-2007 at 20:58
by: DerAlte
Mercury -Toxicity
Let us not succumb to media hype. Not long ago some one placed a globule of mercury on the platform ...
23-6-2007 at 22:04
by: DerAlte
Managed to download the pdf, Not_important. Germane to the problem. I assume it refers to KMnO4 and ...
22-6-2007 at 19:30
by: DerAlte
Not_important, you always have something interesting (and important!) to say.

WRT to the keto-eno ...
22-6-2007 at 07:28
by: DerAlte
Then and now
Easy, Quicksilver,easy! You were hallucinating! What you had come across was a coven of the Republic ...
21-6-2007 at 10:33
by: DerAlte
A few thoughts on the production of KMnO4

The paramount thing is to minimize the production of ch ...
20-6-2007 at 15:52
by: DerAlte
12AX7, your anode ideas, although a shade far fetched, may indeed have merit! Is not PBO2 a pleasing ...
20-6-2007 at 08:23
by: DerAlte
Then and now
Not_important. depends whose poll you read (but do not necessarily believe). Fox News always puts Bu ...
18-6-2007 at 22:13
by: DerAlte
12AX7, both boiling nitric acid and I think I read somewhere, permanganates, will oxidize carbon to ...
18-6-2007 at 21:19
by: DerAlte
You need the KOH for sure. Conc. to induce the KMnO4 to precipitate off the anode (common ion effec ...
17-6-2007 at 22:02
by: DerAlte
Then and now
Never invite DerAlte to a rant, Polymer! Don’t apologize, we understand what you’re saying.

17-6-2007 at 21:44
by: DerAlte
ciscosdad, you have it. We do not want to reduce the hypochlorite but the chlorate. And chlorate is ...
17-6-2007 at 20:27
by: DerAlte
Li/MnO2 batteries
Ni I can understand, but Cu? With perchlorate?

Thse cells are a work of art compared with alkain ...
15-6-2007 at 22:23
by: DerAlte
how can I recreate the smell of a fart?
This thread stinks! Amazing how it hangs around....

Interesting how such an apparently trivial su ...
15-6-2007 at 22:06
by: DerAlte
Hydrangea Blooms and PH
WRT the color of hydrangeas, Mr. Wizard is right. Opposite to litmus. I have some potted ones now, ...
15-6-2007 at 21:43
by: DerAlte
ciscosdad , I believe Condy used the time honored fusion with KOH. and oxidation by air. Apparently ...
14-6-2007 at 23:44
by: DerAlte
Li/MnO2 batteries
Recently I was given a small battery of this type with the news that it was ‘dead’, at least acc ...
14-6-2007 at 23:13
by: DerAlte
how can I recreate the smell of a fart?
A masterly (if not doctoral?) piece of research, not_important !

In the days of my depraved yout ...
14-6-2007 at 11:54
by: DerAlte
how can I recreate the smell of a fart?
It is indeed, Ramiel. So is indole, almost equally offensive - skatole is beta methyl indole, IIRC. ...
13-6-2007 at 18:59
by: DerAlte
Ciscosdad, thanks for the compliment. But I suspect that KMnO4 would oxidize urea all too easily.
13-6-2007 at 18:42
by: DerAlte
ozone combustion
19.7% more:

From CRC enthalpy tables.
2O3 --> 3O2 + 2x143 KJ = 246 KJ
3O2+6H2 --> 6H2O + ...
13-6-2007 at 18:37
by: DerAlte
Above, On 10-6-07 I wrote:

"A titration of diluted solution (acidified by HCl) against ferrous su ...
12-6-2007 at 19:05
by: DerAlte

This will be my last contribution to this thread, unless there is something worth c ...
10-6-2007 at 23:16
by: DerAlte
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