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NaHSO4 substituting KHSO4
Can sodium bisulpate replace potassium bisulphate in dehydration reactions, specifically glycerol--& ...
22-10-2009 at 10:45
by: Picric-A
Perhaps try melt the Zinc produced down to produce a mini ingot to remove the black layer
20-10-2009 at 06:19
by: Picric-A
Acetone harmful to the production of [(iPrO)3Al]?
Can you provide references stating this decrease in yield?
I see no reason why propanone would inte ...
20-10-2009 at 01:47
by: Picric-A
The short questions thread (2)
Yes i use a powder however everytime you change the thing you are drying i reccomend you give the po ...
16-10-2009 at 12:30
by: Picric-A
Interesting uses of caffein?
Hi, i have just been given a rather (10yr) old botle of caffein (50g in total).
Are there any inter ...
14-10-2009 at 13:56
by: Picric-A
Fluorine and organic alkanes
It is F2. I went to a lecture where a man filled a gas jar with this gas and added Al, S and iron wo ...
13-10-2009 at 13:50
by: Picric-A
Electrolytic DEplating of silver from copper?
He wants the pure Cu to make Cu/Si alloy so making a Cu/Ag allow would defeat the point of the layer ...
12-10-2009 at 23:08
by: Picric-A
Electrolytic DEplating of silver from copper?
Why on earth owuld you even think about using cyanide when you coulkd simply sand the Ag off?!?! :O
12-10-2009 at 13:36
by: Picric-A
Electrolytic DEplating of silver from copper?
[rquote=164094&tid=12930&author=12AX7]Well, you can certainly drop it in a bucket of nitric ...
12-10-2009 at 11:39
by: Picric-A
Electrolytic DEplating of silver from copper?
Best thing to do it buy an electric sander and use that.
There are no chemical means which can be u ...
12-10-2009 at 06:59
by: Picric-A
Topical Anasthetics in DMSO
Hi John, how much did you pay for your 500ml DMSO? I have been offered 500ml Merk spectroscopy grade ...
10-10-2009 at 07:40
by: Picric-A
Topical Anasthetics in DMSO
I have given this some thought for a while but still havnt come to a conclusion so if anybody knows ...
10-10-2009 at 06:21
by: Picric-A
Hydroquinone Synthesis
I am afraid p-dichlorobenzene is a fairly useless compound for amateurs.
1,4-Dichloro-2-nitrobenze ...
9-10-2009 at 11:27
by: Picric-A
Hydroquinone Synthesis
Removal of halogen atoms from a aromatic compound does generally require forece-full conditions... I ...
9-10-2009 at 10:49
by: Picric-A
The short questions thread (2)
Depends if it is denatured or not. Reagent grade ethanol means nothing.
Rectified spirit (~98% etha ...
7-10-2009 at 10:36
by: Picric-A
Cheapest Hydroxylamine
Must you use an exess of bisulphite becuase hydroxylamine reacts with sodium nitrite releasing nitro ...
7-10-2009 at 10:28
by: Picric-A
The short questions thread (2)
[rquote=163673&tid=12054&author=manimal]Yes, I suppose you're right. I didn't think it was H ...
6-10-2009 at 07:19
by: Picric-A
Making a fractionating column
I have in my lab a bin dedicated to smashed glass. This was invaluable when i decided to make my col ...
6-10-2009 at 01:52
by: Picric-A
The short questions thread (2)
Manimal- check out the oleum from NaHSO4 thread.
The smoking is most probably the decomp of the sod ...
5-10-2009 at 13:53
by: Picric-A
Making a fractionating column
I made my own fractionating column. I had a spare air condensor and i filled it with lots of bits of ...
4-10-2009 at 22:57
by: Picric-A
purifying toluene properly
Yep of course
29-9-2009 at 07:18
by: Picric-A
Preparation of solid aluminium isopropoxide
[rquote=163322&tid=12831&author=UnintentionalChaos][rquote=163320&tid=12831&author=P ...
29-9-2009 at 01:45
by: Picric-A
Preparation of solid aluminium isopropoxide
Do you dry the NaOH prior to use? Commercial NaOH nealry always contains as much as 10% water.
I su ...
28-9-2009 at 23:00
by: Picric-A
Chemical reactions....on chip.
I doubt that will catch on... Like you say, they must perform all reactions prior to putting it on t ...
28-9-2009 at 11:15
by: Picric-A
Nitric acid - commercial sources
70% is fine to dissolve Pt, Au ect.
27-9-2009 at 04:34
by: Picric-A
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