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Ignition coil drivers
Thanks for clearing that up hodges. I'm a little rusty with my electronic skills. One thing tha ...
21-4-2004 at 21:30
by: tom haggen
Ignition coil drivers
ya i Guess I'll research my particular transistor and try to find out which is which.
21-4-2004 at 14:28
by: tom haggen
Ignition coil drivers
Could you recommend some dimensions for the aluminum sheet metal I should use. Also, I thought the 2 ...
21-4-2004 at 09:50
by: tom haggen
Ignition coil drivers
Ya ok that is the same transistor i'm using. Well I don't have a heat sink. I think i' ...
21-4-2004 at 08:11
by: tom haggen
Ignition coil drivers
I know what a potentiometer does, I just don't know why theres 2 of them in the circuit. Also, ...
21-4-2004 at 06:51
by: tom haggen
Ignition coil drivers
So what i'm supposed to solder a wire to the base of the transistor? By the way, whats the poin ...
20-4-2004 at 20:49
by: tom haggen
Ignition coil drivers
I noticed that the 2N3055 NPN power transistor seemed to have 3 pins on the schematic. However, went ...
20-4-2004 at 19:01
by: tom haggen
Less human, more machine!
Sorry about that. I didn't realize you were disabled, I thought you were speaking hypotheticall ...
19-4-2004 at 21:49
by: tom haggen
Chemical Resistance Guide
mumbles I checked your link out and the only source I found to contain information on PVDC required ...
19-4-2004 at 19:39
by: tom haggen
Less human, more machine!
Actually hermes, Meth was the drug that I used the least. My problem lies with alcohol. I was simply ...
19-4-2004 at 19:30
by: tom haggen
Less human, more machine!
Phenylisopropylamines (and their N-methyl analogs) exhibit very strong biochemical diversit ...
19-4-2004 at 13:39
by: tom haggen
Less human, more machine!
Methamphetamines are one of the most disgusting destructive drugs in all exsistance. I have done alm ...
19-4-2004 at 08:03
by: tom haggen
Chemical Resistance Guide
Ok guess I'll answer my own question. I have been exposing polyvinylidene chloride to hot nirtr ...
19-4-2004 at 06:30
by: tom haggen
Chemical Resistance Guide
I searched for polyvinylidene chloride and nitric acid resistance. It only came up with information ...
18-4-2004 at 22:17
by: tom haggen
Chemical Resistance Guide
Here we go I just forgot to post this in my first post, and was unable to upload the file durning th ...
18-4-2004 at 18:12
by: tom haggen
Chemical Resistance Guide
Today I discovered a new simple means of distilling nitric acid via a large glass vessel, a small g ...
18-4-2004 at 18:00
by: tom haggen
What has been the most time you have wasted on a failed experiment?
Well I spent about 3 months designing, constructing, and assembling a 3D model in solidworks one tim ...
18-4-2004 at 17:13
by: tom haggen
Ignition coil drivers
Hello everyone, I have read much of the labs on the powerlabs website. I found the ignition coil dri ...
18-4-2004 at 14:55
by: tom haggen
Nitrous oxide(laughing gas) to nitric acid
Even if he obtains some concentrated sulphuric acid, it's not like it's so simple to manuf ...
10-4-2004 at 05:45
by: tom haggen
What has been the most time you have wasted on a failed experiment?
One of my many failed experiments goes something like this: One day for some damm reason I got the b ...
8-4-2004 at 20:19
by: tom haggen
Battery acid
silly medeleev, you can't use red alcohol thermometers for high temperature applications. Back ...
8-4-2004 at 15:39
by: tom haggen
Battery acid
Theres a small possiblity of refluxing with a narrow necked flask but I wouldnt worry about it. Thun ...
7-4-2004 at 22:52
by: tom haggen
Battery acid
I used to have a scale that weighed down to .01 grams back in my younger stupid days. It was design ...
6-4-2004 at 05:43
by: tom haggen
Battery acid
I have a density chart for sulphuric acid if you want me to email you a copy.
5-4-2004 at 20:12
by: tom haggen
Battery acid
You only have to worry about steam explosions if your distilling H2SO4. I think. but your just conce ...
5-4-2004 at 15:18
by: tom haggen
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