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Pretty Pictures (1)
[rquote=236579&tid=14644&author=plante1999]Nice! How long did it took to dry?[/rquote]

Ap ...
12-2-2012 at 12:02
by: White Yeti
Pretty Pictures (1)
[rquote=236603&tid=14644&author=UnintentionalChaos]Break those crystals! Take a pic to post ...
12-2-2012 at 12:00
by: White Yeti
Pretty Pictures (1)
I walked into my lab and was greeted with a pleasant surprise. The urea I extracted from fertiliser ...
12-2-2012 at 08:27
by: White Yeti
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
[rquote=236038&tid=65&author=Vikascoder]The above process will make white or red phosphorus ...
7-2-2012 at 14:01
by: White Yeti
Steam distillations
Yes, (if you don't have a softener) tap water is usually loaded with calcium bicarbonate, which turn ...
4-2-2012 at 17:52
by: White Yeti
World's most expensive light bulb?
[rquote=235292&tid=18663&author=turd]You should have known after the fourth post to this thr ...
1-2-2012 at 12:08
by: White Yeti
World's most expensive light bulb?
[rquote=234969&tid=18663&author=bbartlog]If you want to move electrons around in order to se ...
31-1-2012 at 17:01
by: White Yeti
On solar hot water systems
[rquote=235188&tid=18635&author=watson.fawkes][rquote=235154&tid=18635&author=Twospo ...
31-1-2012 at 16:53
by: White Yeti
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
I don't see how using aluminium is cheating. For most of us, we could only dream of having phosphoru ...
31-1-2012 at 16:36
by: White Yeti
Steam distillations
I guess you can say everything is beneficial in moderation. I think that cancer real ...
30-1-2012 at 18:48
by: White Yeti
Steam distillations
You're right, but I don't think there's enough oil in plants to react with the tin cans.[speculation ...
30-1-2012 at 18:29
by: White Yeti
Steam distillations
[rquote=235097&tid=18675&author=GreenD]Yeti-I know a man who attempted it large scale (55 ga ...
30-1-2012 at 16:39
by: White Yeti
Steam distillations
What about sassafras?

The fragrance of sassafras is by far my favourite. It's a shame that safrol ...
30-1-2012 at 13:48
by: White Yeti
The mad chemist's guide to mushroom hunting
[rquote=235082&tid=18256&author=GreenD]What a great thread. To scare you - you can look up t ...
30-1-2012 at 13:18
by: White Yeti
Solar energy a pipe dream?
I think that more focus should be put into using solar energy to provide heat for industrial process ...
29-1-2012 at 09:50
by: White Yeti
On solar hot water systems
DAMMIT! It got cloudy again -.-
Here's what the weather turned into:
It's not ...
29-1-2012 at 09:28
by: White Yeti
What is the most ignorant thing you have ever done while conducting an experiment?
I don't do much organic chem, but would it be a good idea to put a big neon sticker on stopcocks wit ...
29-1-2012 at 09:02
by: White Yeti
On solar hot water systems
[rquote=234545&tid=18635&author=White Yeti]It's actually snowing right now:) so I can't repe ...
29-1-2012 at 08:43
by: White Yeti
Steam distillations
Rosemary? I especially love the fragrances of spices. Oregano is another one. What about wintergreen ...
28-1-2012 at 10:51
by: White Yeti
World's most expensive light bulb?
What if the magnets were also spinning in the opposite direction to that of the superconductor, ther ...
27-1-2012 at 13:33
by: White Yeti
World's most expensive light bulb?
I had a strange idea dating back to two years ago and didn't have the will to look further into it, ...
27-1-2012 at 10:39
by: White Yeti
Building An Carbon Arc Furnace
Pessimistic opinion:
It's not worth making a carbon arc furnace to make calcium carbide, you're bet ...
27-1-2012 at 08:06
by: White Yeti
Electrical Furnace Contruction - My design and implementation
These furnaces look amazing! They make me want to make my own. Right now, I use a wood stove for my ...
27-1-2012 at 08:01
by: White Yeti
On solar hot water systems
[rquote=234562&tid=18635&author=Twospoons]3/4 of a litre of warm water makes for a very shor ...
26-1-2012 at 19:23
by: White Yeti
Preparation of Dilute H2SO4 from FeSO4
Is it time yet for a moderator to lock this thread? The OP is deaf to any criticism, most of which i ...
26-1-2012 at 18:52
by: White Yeti
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