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Inspecting and destressing glassware
Glassware is usually destressed in an annealing oven. It's common practice to destress glassware af ...
21-6-2018 at 12:23
by: BromicAcid
How useful is a laboratory glsssware powder auger?
I've used the auger's that already exist, basically an addition funnel with an auger at the bottom t ...
2-6-2018 at 06:16
by: BromicAcid
Intellectual Property on Youtube
Does watching one video on a specific synthesis somehow make the others irrelevant? Heck, you could ...
2-6-2018 at 06:13
by: BromicAcid
Is there a solvent I can use to wash my vacuum pump oil reservoir?
Depends on what type of pump you have, what materials are in contact with the pump oil. The gaskets ...
29-5-2018 at 18:24
by: BromicAcid
What's the most expensive substance you've bought?
I bought a Magic the Gathering card for $800 once, at a weight of 1.72 grams that comes out to $1446 ...
27-5-2018 at 05:45
by: BromicAcid
Borosilitate glass broke on heating
Beakers give a lot of strain at the edges, wouldn't recommend them at high temperatures or if you're ...
25-5-2018 at 12:17
by: BromicAcid
Electrochemical production of chloroform
I tried this once, walruslover69 is right on the money. At a later date I tried using much less NaC ...
24-5-2018 at 14:50
by: BromicAcid
Interesting Chloroform Preparation from Citric Acid
I think a better title would be "interesting chloroform preparation" or "unexpected chloroform prepa ...
18-5-2018 at 03:50
by: BromicAcid
Rare inorganic Reagents for Sale
Had to check for perbromates, let down again.
15-5-2018 at 13:37
by: BromicAcid
The Effects of a Chemically Illiterate Population; I give you C60's Magical Healing Powers
Did anyone actually read the primary literature though? It's very interesting although as with anyt ...
13-5-2018 at 06:06
by: BromicAcid
Question on Iodine molar mass in equations
The molecular weight of iodine is 126.90 g/mol. If you have I[sub]2[/sub] then you're counting two ...
10-5-2018 at 16:42
by: BromicAcid
Organic Waste Disposal
I've posted about it before, Fenton's Regent makes quick work of chlorinated solvents.
6-5-2018 at 13:20
by: BromicAcid
Organic Waste Disposal
[rquote=516918&tid=82399&author=Reboot]Please do NOT dump chlorinated solvents down the drai ...
6-5-2018 at 09:15
by: BromicAcid
Fun Phosphorus Speculations

Thank you for providing at least some sort of reference for your claim. ...
23-4-2018 at 15:54
by: BromicAcid
Laws regulating chemicals for a tiny home lab
My contract to purchase my house specifically has a clause forbidding 'dangerous' chemicals in the h ...
23-4-2018 at 13:47
by: BromicAcid
Materials impervious to hot phosphoric and metaphosphoric acids
Check out this thread on metaphosphoric acid ...
21-4-2018 at 15:25
by: BromicAcid
Fun Phosphorus Speculations
The heat produced by the exothermic ...
21-4-2018 at 11:28
by: BromicAcid
Fun Phosphorus Speculations
[rquote=515143&tid=82090&author=PhenethylamineMachine]Calcium oxide and water would generate ...
21-4-2018 at 10:35
by: BromicAcid
Anyone ever worked with concentrated 11M n-butyllithium solution? Is a cloudy suspension normal?
Yes, BuLi is a liquid at room temperature, what you are seeing is LiH, BuLi undergoes a elimination ...
18-4-2018 at 17:13
by: BromicAcid
List of Chemicals and Materials Made by Users
Would be a good idea to make it a form instead of a document, that way people don't have to scroll t ...
14-4-2018 at 15:03
by: BromicAcid
Make Alkali metals from controlled decomp of azides??
Decomposing alkali azides to yield the free metal is a very old and well known technique. IIRC it w ...
13-4-2018 at 05:18
by: BromicAcid
Technical grade acetone purification
[rquote=513448&tid=81799&author=coltoiletpaper]I'm quite puzzled since the b.p. of acetone i ...
9-4-2018 at 14:42
by: BromicAcid
Lithium as Sodium Replacement?
[rquote=513251&tid=81727&author=DavidJR]Sure, the use of lithium batteries has grown dramati ...
6-4-2018 at 03:39
by: BromicAcid
Lithium as Sodium Replacement?
[rquote=513038&tid=81727&author=RawWork]I can't believe that. I know that lithium is suppose ...
5-4-2018 at 15:14
by: BromicAcid
Deep Joy
I find it funny that a retort is about the only piece of glassware you can buy on the Aldrich site w ...
5-4-2018 at 15:11
by: BromicAcid
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