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Failure to make Chloroform - help
is 35% Na hypochlorite really a thing?:o
23-6-2019 at 03:58
by: fusso
Nd & Fe oxalates
I'm currently extracting Nd from magnets.
I dissolved 150g of magnets in HCl, filtered out the Ni c ...
22-6-2019 at 10:22
by: fusso
Wet ether
Why is benzophenone used?
22-6-2019 at 05:08
by: fusso
Combining concentrated H2O2 with ethanol, methanol or IPA
So you're asking whether H2O2 forms azeotropes with alcohols right?
21-6-2019 at 14:58
by: fusso
How accurate are solution density measurements?
Hm, I made another measurement and get a density of 0.906(forgot the mass&vol). The cylinder is ...
20-6-2019 at 18:58
by: fusso
Do we need a separtate forum for lab safety and waste treatment?
Laboratory Tips and Tricks
(Edit: ...
20-6-2019 at 16:54
by: fusso
What is the white impurity in my boron?
Yes, from Nd magnets, but RE sulphates aren't that insoluble isn't it?
19-6-2019 at 23:44
by: fusso
What is the white impurity in my boron?
I was trying to purify boron powder and some white impurities formed during the heating step, but it ...
19-6-2019 at 21:55
by: fusso
How accurate are solution density measurements?
Single measurement, using a 25ml cylinder, 19.6g for 21.5ml.
19-6-2019 at 17:36
by: fusso
How accurate are solution density measurements?
I used a measuring cylinder to measure my ammonia solution's density. I calculated the density to be ...
19-6-2019 at 16:42
by: fusso
I found that elemental boron is inert to this aggressive chemical bulldozer
What actually surprises me is boron resists oxidation by [b]hot[/b] piranha, not H2O2 or H2SO4 indiv ...
19-6-2019 at 07:25
by: fusso
I found that elemental boron is inert to this aggressive chemical bulldozer
tldr: piranha solution.
I wanted to remove the filter paper from the boron powder.
Some B is stuck ...
18-6-2019 at 14:11
by: fusso
sharing Awesome Chemical Pictures (Read first comment)
Black organic compound?Weird.
14-6-2019 at 05:13
by: fusso
What are those crystals
Cuboid crystals are likely NaCl.
Why did you put Fe acetate into there?
13-6-2019 at 19:53
by: fusso
chlorates from calcium hypochlorite
[rquote=615144&tid=150965&author=j_sum1][rquote=615120&tid=150965&author=fusso]What ...
13-6-2019 at 19:50
by: fusso
chlorates from calcium hypochlorite
What about making a Cl2 generator using Ca hypochlorite and lead Cl2 into a hot KOH soln?
13-6-2019 at 07:29
by: fusso
Any way to prepare anhydrous ZnCl2 without using gaseous Cl2 or HCl?
Can azeotropic distillation work?
13-6-2019 at 04:54
by: fusso
Identification of a mystery metal
"solution of the precipitate"? if it's insoluble how did you dissolve it?
One of the metal which fo ...
11-6-2019 at 22:48
by: fusso
Any way to prepare anhydrous ZnCl2 without using gaseous Cl2 or HCl?
So I think these anhydrous salt can react with Al in organic solvents to make anhydrous AlCl3.
11-6-2019 at 12:13
by: fusso
Any way to prepare anhydrous ZnCl2 without using gaseous Cl2 or HCl?
Anhydrous MnCl2 and CoCl2 can be dehydrated by heating the hydrate.

[Edited on 190611 by fusso]
11-6-2019 at 10:46
by: fusso
Electrolytic production of NaOH from salt water - Troubleshooting
those are all otc stuff, what you do with them regardless of legality is none of their fucking busin ...
10-6-2019 at 18:57
by: fusso
Alkynyl Magnesium Halide:Grignard's reagent
Why is 1 haloalkyne unstable? What will it turn into?
9-6-2019 at 14:32
by: fusso
Preparation of Benzophenone
But how do you prevent acyl chloride to react with amine?
9-6-2019 at 08:00
by: fusso
Electrolytic production of NaOH from salt water - Troubleshooting
[rquote=614781&tid=150902&author=Abdibsz]And while I was aware that a small amount of Cl+ io ...
9-6-2019 at 04:01
by: fusso
Electrolytic production of NaOH from salt water - Troubleshooting
[rquote=614773&tid=150902&author=Abdibsz]I'm pretty sure it'd be easier for me to just buy s ...
9-6-2019 at 02:40
by: fusso
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