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HBr synthesis from BCDMH
I have been thinking that you could separate a mixture of NH4Br and NH4Cl by simple heating. The chl ...
25-3-2023 at 11:04
by: clearly_not_atara
Failed distillation of HNO3 from KNO3 ??
Pale yellow fumes? Sounds like your KNO3 is contaminated with KCl.
22-3-2023 at 10:00
by: clearly_not_atara
Chamazulene, natural blue dye extraction and purification
Kind of funny to realize that Europeans were running back and forth searching for blue dyes for thou ...
20-3-2023 at 12:22
by: clearly_not_atara
Looking for CaC2 in ton quantities (EU)
Probably absurd, but could you make CaC2 "backwards" from acetylene? Modern chemical industry makes ...
16-3-2023 at 18:17
by: clearly_not_atara
Fluorophosphate electrolyte questions
KPF6 has a low aqueous solubility of 3.5% w/w at 0 C. Could be useful. ...
16-3-2023 at 07:40
by: clearly_not_atara
Preparation of ionic nitrites
Chalk up another victory to the inert atmosphere! First eugenol demethylation, now nitrite.

Love ...
11-3-2023 at 20:20
by: clearly_not_atara
Piperic acid oxidation to Piperonal
I suppose it's also notable that the unsubstituted dioxane is a carcinogen, and the dibenzo-fused ve ...
7-3-2023 at 21:03
by: clearly_not_atara
My adventures in diy battery making - batteries are hard.
Interesting! Nice pictures. You built a working battery, which I'm pretty sure is a lot farther than ...
7-3-2023 at 09:34
by: clearly_not_atara
Piperic acid oxidation to Piperonal
The amphetamines with that ring (affectionately "EDMA") do not produce the desired effect.

[quot ...
7-3-2023 at 09:29
by: clearly_not_atara
EU illegal chemicals -> useful legal ones?
If the goal is homologation of benzaldehydes to one-carbon-longer amines, nitromethane can be "repla ...
6-3-2023 at 18:29
by: clearly_not_atara
Nitroethane route
[i]Claims by early workers in this field to have effected anodic syntheses of alkyl halides and nitr ...
6-3-2023 at 16:41
by: clearly_not_atara
Piperic acid oxidation to Piperonal
The video is some 28 minutes long, so hopefully you can forgive the stupid question: it says oxidati ...
4-3-2023 at 16:25
by: clearly_not_atara
Quick and partial report on benzyl bromide synthesis
Benzylmanganese bromide can be prepared from BnBr and activated manganese, and can react with unhind ...
4-3-2023 at 16:09
by: clearly_not_atara
Can't figure out synthesis
[rquote=682029&tid=159386&author=draculic acid69]
That seems like a feasible starting point ...
3-3-2023 at 22:49
by: clearly_not_atara
Can't figure out synthesis
While I agree that the route posted by Texium is very nice, I had the same question once and I wonde ...
2-3-2023 at 05:37
by: clearly_not_atara
EU Survey on Chemical Restrictions – Stop further chemical bans
[quote]I am not European, but I absolutely do not support fascism. Europe is turning into a fascist ...
15-2-2023 at 06:45
by: clearly_not_atara
Unexpected product in mucic acid dry distillation
The list of water-miscible organic liquids with atmospheric pressure bp <100 C is very short, and ...
13-2-2023 at 12:19
by: clearly_not_atara
Workplace chemical safety (hydrofluoric acid)
The guidelines from UW indicate that latex gloves are inadequate -- in bold, [b]"do not use latex gl ...
13-2-2023 at 10:02
by: clearly_not_atara
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
[rquote=674677&tid=65&author=clearly_not_atara]https://chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley. ...
11-2-2023 at 15:09
by: clearly_not_atara
Acetaldehyde synthesis
[rquote=644677&tid=55&author=clearly_not_atara]what you're [i]really[/i] after is [b]an oxid ...
2-2-2023 at 20:15
by: clearly_not_atara
Replacement for acetonitrile in oxone oxidation
I've been aware of the ruthenium methodology for some time, but I'm confused as to what situation co ...
23-1-2023 at 09:04
by: clearly_not_atara
Replacement for acetonitrile in oxone oxidation
Possibly, but very possibly not. Acetonitrile "catalyzes" certain oxidations with oxone by forming t ...
21-1-2023 at 11:52
by: clearly_not_atara
Can anyone do particle induced gamma ray emission (PIGE) spectroscopy test at home? Women's underwear story.
If your goal is to detect fluorine atoms in the underwear, my first thought is that a 19F NMR study ...
20-1-2023 at 15:45
by: clearly_not_atara
question about nitrating "aqueous amine hydroxides"
If your translation mentions "amine hydroxides", it's wrong. The paper I see clearly states [quote]I ...
19-1-2023 at 17:25
by: clearly_not_atara
question about nitrating "aqueous amine hydroxides"
"Is ammonia an amine?"

Kind of a philosophical question, but I'm going with no, because we don't ...
18-1-2023 at 17:44
by: clearly_not_atara
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