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What makes Nitromethane yellow?
(Speculation warning)

Nitromethane might be able to undergo something similar to the nitroaldol r ...
7-9-2017 at 07:00
by: Σldritch
What makes Nitromethane yellow?
I can not come up with anything better than nitrogen dioxide but i still find it unlikely as an expl ...
6-9-2017 at 09:53
by: Σldritch
What makes Nitromethane yellow?
I thought it was polymerization products since nitromethane gets more orange as it is stored but the ...
5-9-2017 at 11:23
by: Σldritch
Chinese Hotplate/Stirrers
Late update: i tried distilling water with my SH-4 by just thoughing the 1 liter RBF to the hotplate ...
27-8-2017 at 02:46
by: Σldritch
Chinese Hotplate/Stirrers
I just bought the last one (SH-4 ceramic). Trying to distill a liter of water right now in a sand ba ...
24-8-2017 at 05:00
by: Σldritch
Issues with stannous sulfate
If you are using excess cupric sulfate it will oxidize the tin to stannic oxide.

(Which is solubl ...
23-8-2017 at 11:19
by: Σldritch
Getting Calcium metal by thermite reaction with Al ?
Think i remember seeing something on that here...

Quick search: ...
18-8-2017 at 13:34
by: Σldritch
Roasting Pyrite - S formed ?
I should try that i have some pyrite from an old mine and a need for sulfuric acid. Might be better ...
16-8-2017 at 08:26
by: Σldritch
Roasting Pyrite - S formed ?
Yes it is probably sulfur:

FeS2 = FeS + [S]

It is more complex than that though becasue there ...
15-8-2017 at 11:54
by: Σldritch
Copper Peroxide
From wiki:

Thermal decomposition of copper acetylide in vacuum is not explosive and leaves c ...
10-7-2017 at 10:14
by: Σldritch
Copper Peroxide
I think it would be a better idea to make it from copper hydroxide, which supposedly yields microsco ...
10-7-2017 at 05:54
by: Σldritch
Copper Peroxide
Alright, my new hotplate broke so i had another go at copper peroxide [sub]or several[/sub] and i ma ...
9-7-2017 at 09:59
by: Σldritch
Fluoroethane Dehalogenation reactions
First, it is potentially very dangerous. If you want to react freon with anything it is going to tak ...
23-6-2017 at 04:45
by: Σldritch
Fluoroethane Dehalogenation reactions
Sodium Hydroxide: Also sodium flouride i ...
22-6-2017 at 13:39
by: Σldritch
Brown copper (II) chloride solution?
The brown color is from anhydrous copper chloride. I guess the acetone dehydrates it.

It does not ...
18-6-2017 at 04:51
by: Σldritch
Cheap/Easy Sources of Magnesium Metal
You can buy magnesium boat sacrifical anodes.

Also found this on ebay, not very pure but pretty c ...
7-6-2017 at 13:09
by: Σldritch
Name that rock
I found these close to a galena mineralisation. It looks like someone stuck some gum to the rock. Im ...
14-5-2017 at 02:16
by: Σldritch
Sulfuric acid from Ozone generator and Sulfur.
[rquote=483047&tid=73999&author=Melgar]"Optimum conditions" for an ozone generator's rating ...
13-5-2017 at 03:36
by: Σldritch
Sulfuric acid from Ozone generator and Sulfur.
(Not sure if this belongs in beginnings, also there is a simmilar thread there: http://www.sciencema ...
12-5-2017 at 15:36
by: Σldritch
Interesting benzyl chloride synth I discovered
I decided to sloppily attempt the reaction using BCDMH as a catalyst. I left it out in the sun for a ...
5-5-2017 at 05:14
by: Σldritch
Boron Carbon Nitride, the super hard material
The video you linked to was posted on the first of april and sounds pretty fishy.

Also it is the ...
2-5-2017 at 06:35
by: Σldritch
Crystals from vapor?
Almost all my salt solutions evaporated in repurposed glass jars does this, even more than shown her ...
21-4-2017 at 14:26
by: Σldritch
How to separate a bismuth - tin alloy?
Would not sodium hydroxide be the easiest and possibly cheapest way to dissolve the tin as sodium st ...
21-4-2017 at 14:11
by: Σldritch
Cheap nitrates to potassium nitrate
Coincidentally i made calcium nitrate from ammonium calcium nitrate today by dissolving it in tap wa ...
21-4-2017 at 14:07
by: Σldritch
Interesting benzyl chloride synth I discovered
TCCA should inhibit Friedel-Crafts chlorination by complexing to Ferric chloride. NaDCC complexes wi ...
5-4-2017 at 01:30
by: Σldritch
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