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Flow battery chemistry - electrolyte selection
I remember seeing a patent once for a flow battery that used an acid and a base as the two electroly ...
2-4-2009 at 07:25
by: bquirky
The short questions thread (1)
[rquote=150138&tid=11319&author=sakshaug007]Hello everyone,

I am going to attempt the ele ...
31-3-2009 at 08:24
by: bquirky
inkjet printable Nanoink
That sounds relly interesting. are you planing on printing conductive patterns ?

How are you maki ...
31-3-2009 at 06:08
by: bquirky
Poll: What is YOUR level of education??
There is a missing option on the poll :) 'some high school'

I left high school midway and con ...
27-3-2009 at 19:16
by: bquirky
Sword Forging!
some kind of pyrotechnics in the sword blade might be fun perhaps some kind of low power substance t ...
23-3-2009 at 07:08
by: bquirky
Why publish on JOC?
ultra generally speaking a few journals allow you to publish "letters" which are generally much sho ...
23-3-2009 at 05:19
by: bquirky
Glassware from fluorescent lamps - How to get rid of Hg?
I have wondered the same thing for quite some time. I have previously tried melting the adhesive tha ...
18-2-2009 at 04:16
by: bquirky
The short questions thread (1)
I have a short question for the short question thread about salt solubility in acids,

It ...
16-1-2009 at 02:16
by: bquirky
Hydrogen Sulfide

Now that is interesting

thanks :)
16-1-2009 at 01:10
by: bquirky
Hydrogen Sulfide
The other day I was making Iron Chloride by dissolving a sizable amount of electrolytic iron granule ...
15-1-2009 at 20:11
by: bquirky
Solar cells
ahh i see.
3-1-2009 at 02:07
by: bquirky
Solar cells

Ive not attempted creating any kind of transparent conductive coating (i have enough troub ...
2-1-2009 at 05:50
by: bquirky
Shell Shock: Play it safe
Physical impossibility only means there is a hidden variable :)

Yes hissingnoise that is what i ...
2-1-2009 at 05:40
by: bquirky
Shell Shock: Play it safe
Being new years I had a bottle (or 3) of champaign tonight !

and had a close look at the bottle. ...
31-12-2008 at 08:47
by: bquirky
Shell Shock: Play it safe

pardon my warped humor, by better I facetiously meant more dangerous

my line of thinking ...
30-12-2008 at 07:00
by: bquirky
Shell Shock: Play it safe
I just had a thought Im not sure if it makes a difference.

but on the surface it would seem that ...
30-12-2008 at 04:26
by: bquirky
Shell Shock: Play it safe
Its an interesting question

according to
s ...
30-12-2008 at 04:22
by: bquirky
Shell Shock: Play it safe
Glass bottles at 110 Psi !!! :o

Id be wary about presurising any glass bottle beyond 1 atm a ...
30-12-2008 at 01:14
by: bquirky
Create propane2ol from Glucose - How to??

Not strongly related to the thread topic .. but

Would it be possible to add Hydrogen to ...
21-11-2008 at 03:03
by: bquirky
Best voltage to etch metals in an electrolytic cell.
Hmm very interesting, I have tried something similar with aluminium to make little knick knacks to g ...
12-11-2008 at 18:13
by: bquirky
Best voltage to etch metals in an electrolytic cell.
You may be able to do a simple experiment to work it out.

get two pieces of metal of the same siz ...
11-11-2008 at 18:50
by: bquirky
Best voltage to etch metals in an electrolytic cell.
Ive done some etching recently at work with stainless steel I haven't tried using a ma ...
10-11-2008 at 04:45
by: bquirky
power-transistors as rectifiers ?
Gday Cheif,

Generally speaking diodes should not be disapating a lot of heat and therefor not re ...
8-11-2008 at 22:42
by: bquirky
Batteries and non aqueous electrolytes
I wanted to try using aluminum and possibly some other reactive metals so i assume that rules out wa ...
25-10-2008 at 21:51
by: bquirky
Batteries and non aqueous electrolytes
Gday Gents,

Im new to this forum so hello all,

I have been doing a lot of work trying to find ...
24-10-2008 at 23:33
by: bquirky

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