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Water based barometer?
Thanks for the feedback.

For filling up the tube, I was considering sealing the bottom shut and t ...
16-3-2012 at 13:38
by: White Yeti
Water based barometer?
Hello everyone.

I've always wanted to make a barometer but never got around to it because I didn' ...
15-3-2012 at 14:58
by: White Yeti
Simplest way to convert electrical energy to food.
These events are extremely rare. By the time that happens, we would have colonised the moon and othe ...
15-3-2012 at 14:14
by: White Yeti
Tired of reporting spam
What happened lately?! My mailbox was filled with 20+ messages overnight! I don't subscribe to many ...
13-3-2012 at 10:54
by: White Yeti
Potassium carbonate from banana skins
[rquote=241060&tid=16803&author=Vikascoder]how much potassium carbonate is obtained from 1kg ...
13-3-2012 at 10:47
by: White Yeti
dumbing down science
[rquote=240978&tid=19162&author=AndersHoveland]While there certainly is a correlation betwee ...
12-3-2012 at 16:37
by: White Yeti
Citric acid
GreenD anyone can buy citric acid. If I needed any for a serious synthesis I'd buy it. This thread i ...
12-3-2012 at 16:21
by: White Yeti
Make Potassium (from
there is, the top right hand corner, hit edit, and !delete this message! to get rid of the second po ...
12-3-2012 at 16:18
by: White Yeti
Citric acid
[rquote=240599&tid=15334&author=Waffles SS]Why you afraid?Most of chemist think aspergillus ...
11-3-2012 at 08:00
by: White Yeti
dumbing down science
Perhaps these people should be required to spend a ...
10-3-2012 at 17:22
by: White Yeti
Citric acid
I tried making citric acid by this method. My first attempt failed and I didn't try again ever since ...
10-3-2012 at 16:29
by: White Yeti
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
One interesting home remedy I have for a sore throat is a shot glass of vinegar. It's strange, but i ...
10-3-2012 at 16:08
by: White Yeti
dumbing down science

How could I forget! Parenting indeed affects child development as much, if not more than sch ...
10-3-2012 at 14:13
by: White Yeti
dumbing down science
YES, television is stupid. I can't agree more. But it is our choice as consumers to choose what we w ...
10-3-2012 at 10:26
by: White Yeti
Simplest way to convert electrical energy to food.
Finding documentation on the formose reaction is no problem.

I also know carbon dioxide is reduce ...
10-3-2012 at 09:48
by: White Yeti
Simplest way to convert electrical energy to food.
It might be a large amount of energy, but it's still peanuts (legume pun intended:)) compared to the ...
9-3-2012 at 19:24
by: White Yeti
Simplest way to convert electrical energy to food.
[rquote=240343&tid=19172&author=crazyboy]Sunlight or an artificial light source can be used ...
9-3-2012 at 13:48
by: White Yeti
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
[rquote=240396&tid=19102&author=phlogiston]The antibiotics given to humans (poor and wealthy ...
9-3-2012 at 13:04
by: White Yeti
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
@Vogelzang, interesting. I wonder why these oils are not used in the food industry rather than sulfi ...
8-3-2012 at 16:21
by: White Yeti
Simplest way to convert electrical energy to food.

I've pondered this question for quite some time, so I figured I'd ask the community.

I ...
8-3-2012 at 14:20
by: White Yeti
Acid densities with a hydrometer
You can dilute a sample of your acid with a known amount of water and add to it a known concentratio ...
8-3-2012 at 12:58
by: White Yeti
Solar energy a pipe dream?
It's already done where it's "economically viab ...
6-3-2012 at 12:11
by: White Yeti
Solar energy a pipe dream?
What about using some solar energy to desalinate water? After all, many metals can potentially be mi ...
5-3-2012 at 16:17
by: White Yeti
Title in SM
I just thought of a title for a moderator or administrator:

Forum boogieman:D
5-3-2012 at 14:39
by: White Yeti
Chemistry Hackspace: Can it be done?
GreenD, I believe that a healthy dose of paranoia is necessary when carrying out mad science. But le ...
5-3-2012 at 14:10
by: White Yeti
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