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Lengthy, time-consuming overhaul of forum software
Thanks! The database formats are different enough that I've been having to keep an eye on them to s ...
19-4-2018 at 17:32
by: Melgar
Decarboxylation of Glycine to Methylamine?!
I mentioned using DMSO + spearmint as a catalyst once, but eventually realized that DMSO was an oxid ...
19-4-2018 at 15:42
by: Melgar
Grignard vs. organolithium
@aga Yep, the Barbier reaction. It was [i]in situ[/i] and didn't work on as many substrates. Even ...
19-4-2018 at 15:31
by: Melgar
Lengthy, time-consuming overhaul of forum software
Yep, it says "phpBB" right at the bottom, and it clearly uses the default theme. It's really easy t ...
19-4-2018 at 15:26
by: Melgar
Grignard vs. organolithium
Most of the chemistry texts seem to imply there's not much difference at all, and yet organolithium ...
19-4-2018 at 11:19
by: Melgar
Lengthy, time-consuming overhaul of forum software
I got a very rudimentary mockup of this site in phpBB. Don't worry about the theme though, that can ...
19-4-2018 at 11:01
by: Melgar
Lengthy, time-consuming overhaul of forum software
Okay, basically what I'm not sure of is how much of this stuff Polverone can figure out on his own. ...
8-4-2018 at 11:58
by: Melgar
Why some plants only grow in spring, and not in summer and fall?
[rquote=513472&tid=81685&author=Tsjerk]Bees are far from the only mean of pollination. I eve ...
8-4-2018 at 01:32
by: Melgar
Why some plants only grow in spring, and not in summer and fall?
So many people saying so many things, and you're pretty much all wrong. There is one main reason, a ...
7-4-2018 at 22:31
by: Melgar
Lengthy, time-consuming overhaul of forum software
Good news! I figured out a straightforward way to copy all the data over. First I had to completel ...
7-4-2018 at 20:39
by: Melgar
Someone is wrong (about organic chemistry) on the Internet!
[rquote=513343&tid=81770&author=unionised]I must be missing something.
It's asserted that i ...
6-4-2018 at 22:02
by: Melgar
Someone is wrong (about organic chemistry) on the Internet!
Uh, if this was in whimsy, I'd be fine continuing this discussion there, but this is the "organic ch ...
6-4-2018 at 07:03
by: Melgar
First attempt Grignard since Ochem II cyclopentyl bromide
You can't just buy cyclopentyl bromide at the supermarKET. AMINE, it's a pretty difficult chemical ...
6-4-2018 at 06:56
by: Melgar
Someone is wrong (about organic chemistry) on the Internet!
Okay, so I got roped into a debate that started on Reddit regarding this internet post:

https://d ...
6-4-2018 at 06:33
by: Melgar
Help with the synthesis of Sodium Azide + Issues
Denatured alcohol almost always contains acetone. Adding H2O2 to it in the presence of an acid cata ...
31-3-2018 at 10:42
by: Melgar
Heavy metals and the non chemist- What could go wrong here...
If he burns it indoors, it's probably no worse than burning it outdoors. When wood fires get hot, t ...
24-3-2018 at 21:20
by: Melgar
Pattern welded metal and etching
I know some stuff about this. The patterns have more to do with the crystalline structure of the ste ...
24-3-2018 at 00:39
by: Melgar
Why are some esters formed easily and others not?
Phosphate esters also seem to form easily. Sulfate esters not so much. However, sulfuric acid cert ...
23-3-2018 at 19:17
by: Melgar
Facile, Efficient nitration of Phenol to 2,4-dinitrophenol
You should theoretically be able to use n-butanol instead of ethanol, which seems like it'd be a lot ...
23-3-2018 at 18:58
by: Melgar
Ebay and Packaging
The thing is, they know exactly how shitty their service can be in order to keep their prices low an ...
23-3-2018 at 18:38
by: Melgar
Ebay and Packaging
I got a full refund from deschem, when I bought his "stainless steel" joint clamps and they were act ...
23-3-2018 at 14:00
by: Melgar
Ways to scrub Hydrogen Sulphide?
Ozone would kill it pretty good. If you need an ozone generator, I have a UV-based one I'd sell. I ...
22-3-2018 at 21:17
by: Melgar
Salvaging MnO2 from batteries really isn't worth it (dirty) - getting pottery grade worth it!
I wonder if you could just heat the battery stuff to red-hot in air? The graphite and hydrocarbons ...
22-3-2018 at 21:06
by: Melgar
Cooking accusations from my school - story
Honestly, if you're being accused of making MDA, it could be worse. You could be accused of making ...
22-3-2018 at 20:56
by: Melgar
Closed-system thermoelectric cooling system
I was looking into repurposing mini-fridges and old water coolers for this sort of thing, but ultima ...
22-3-2018 at 10:15
by: Melgar
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