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Folder Planned Polyethylene Glutamate Synthesis sceptic 11 1264
22-6-2023 at 18:24
by KoiosPhoebus
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Folder potassium phosphite rocketman 1 1026
22-6-2023 at 08:55
by KoiosPhoebus
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Folder How to prepare magnesium bisglycinate? RadicallyStabilized 3 869
22-6-2023 at 08:07
by KoiosPhoebus
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Folder (HPO3)n Dehydrating agent (polyphosphoric or metaphosphoric acid) (Pages:  1  2  3) simply RED 59 37134
20-6-2023 at 19:39
by chornedsnorkack
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Folder biggrin.gif Synthesis of Werners Hexol RustyShackleford 0 788
18-6-2023 at 09:35
by RustyShackleford
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Folder Nickel Nitrate fail fx-991ex 5 866
13-6-2023 at 13:35
by DraconicAcid
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Folder Gravimetric evidence of copper(II) oxide hemihydrate SnailsAttack 1 625
9-6-2023 at 19:06
by SnailsAttack
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Folder Absorption of NO2 by H2SO4 teodor 23 2671
9-6-2023 at 07:02
by Bedlasky
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Folder Potassium permanganate from manganese dioxide, potassium hydroxide and potassium chlorate (as oxidising agent). Keras 19 3281
7-6-2023 at 21:26
by Keras
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Folder The formation of the firely opal. Admagistr 3 1355
6-6-2023 at 11:31
by Morgan
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Folder Tin orange iodine / chlorine compound with stable color Lion850 6 2518
6-6-2023 at 04:15
by Lion850
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Folder Al2(Cr2O7)3 Admagistr 4 1036
28-5-2023 at 17:56
by Admagistr
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Folder Confusion on SO3 Synthesis (Pages:  1  2) SaccharinSlayer157 32 5495
27-5-2023 at 13:23
by BromicAcid
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Folder First nickel nitrate synthesis... did I do it right? (Pages:  1  2  3) ManyInterests 51 6203
26-5-2023 at 05:59
by Raid
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Folder Formation of SiH4 on planet Bedlasky 4 903
24-5-2023 at 06:38
by Bedlasky
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Folder *Anhydrous* Zinc Chloride in Concentrated HCl? nimgoldman 4 1366
23-5-2023 at 23:38
by SyntheticFunk
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Folder Reconditioning old hydraulic oil. bolek 16 1449
22-5-2023 at 22:36
by bolek
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Folder Ultrasonic cleaner recipes. bolek 2 630
22-5-2023 at 07:16
by bolek
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Folder Recovering caesium carbonate from caesium bicarbonate Keras 3 829
19-5-2023 at 12:16
by Keras
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Folder What does your periodic table look like? (collection) Xanax 21 4988
13-5-2023 at 18:50
by SuperOxide
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Folder Ascorbic acid smell when boiled with chlorate print118 12 1769
10-5-2023 at 02:31
by unionised
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Folder Cinnamaldehyde/HCl as TLC spray stain for indoles Diachrynic 0 782
8-5-2023 at 12:21
by Diachrynic
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Folder Help identifying these metal ions Metallus 15 1759
7-5-2023 at 15:56
by j_sum1
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Folder Testing for CaF2 minerals Rainwater 16 1577
3-5-2023 at 05:58
by Rainwater
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Folder Do PGMs react with hot NaOH solution ? Sulaiman 9 1807
26-4-2023 at 23:41
by unionised
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Folder Palladium activator for electroless nickel jonco 13 5089
26-4-2023 at 12:59
by Nitrous2000
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Folder Sodium sulphide (Pages:  1  2) nezza 27 8464
19-4-2023 at 14:31
by bluamine
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Folder Sodium hypomanganate Keras 3 1221
18-4-2023 at 03:25
by Keras
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Folder biggrin.gif Calcium cyanurate ---> Cyanamide The_Davster 16 11223
15-4-2023 at 07:16
by clearly_not_atara
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Folder Synthesis of polychromates woelen 8 3549
10-4-2023 at 07:46
by Bedlasky
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