Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Publications as an individual

The_Davster - 18-8-2006 at 21:39

Anyone know anything about submitting publications to journals not as a university affiliated researcher?

Just curious, it may come up for some of us at some point.

Nicodem - 18-8-2006 at 23:40

Actually it can be done and from what I heard it was already done. It will not be easy though. The editor will be influenced by your lack of affiliation to an institution and you not having previous publications. He will be suspicious that you might want to publish something you obtained working for a group in an institution without their knowledge. So you would probably have to explain your situation. Note that hobby chemistry is indirectly illegal in many countries (in EU for sure, don’t know about Canada), since you need a special permit to store hazardous chemicals, so perhaps you should avoid calling what you do as “hobby chemistry”. Try some other excuse. The editors are generally also very touchy if you are not their subscriber. The paper will have to pass through the peer review system meaning it will have to:
- be written in a scientific discourse;
- conform to the editors rules of format and content and being relevant to the journal topic;
- have enough examples of whatever reaction you want to publish;
- have all the analyses done in order to prove the identity of the compounds as well as the complete characterization for any new compounds.

Obviously the last one is the only completely impossible thing for a hobby chemist. So you will need someone at the university to do you the m.p., IR, NMR, MS, elemental analysis or HRMS and so on.
It is probably best to first try to publish in a less demanding journal with a low impact factor. They are more likely to accept anything if they have less requests for publication. They generally also have lower criteria for compound identification. In many journals a mp, IR and HNMR is already more than enough (don’t know about inorganic chemistry journals though). It would be hard to get trough with a letter/communication instead of a full paper since these are based on confidence and academic title (that’s why letters are so often abused and contain so much bullshit). Don’t give up if refused, just send to another journal. Once you have a publication it will be easier to publish further on in some better journals.