Suspicious chemicals
In many localities, the purchase of certain chemicals is monitored in an attempt to crack down on the manufacture of illegal drugs and explosives. This article will attempt to list watched chemicals by locality.
European Union
The EU has placed in recent years several regulations and restrictions on many chemicals.
United States
The United States has strict surveillance programs that involve many chemicals and types of equipment which are used to manufacture illegal drugs and explosives.
DEA lists
The DEA lists are lists of chemicals used by the Department of Justice to determine probable cause in a drug lab investigation. Most of these chemicals are sold in restricted quantities to individuals, and the possession or purchase of more than allotted amounts may incite an investigation. Wherever possible use cash to pay for these chemicals, or better yet, avoid them entirely if at all possible or synthesize them clandestinely.
Russian Federation
The FSKN lists are lists of chemicals used by the Federal Service of Illegal Drug Trade Control of Russia to determine probable cause in a drug lab investigation. Most of these chemicals are sold in restricted quantities to individuals, and the possession or purchase of more than allotted amounts may incite an investigation. Wherever possible use cash to pay for these chemicals, or better yet, avoid them entirely if at all possible or synthesize them clandestinely. A lot of common chemicals such as concentrated mineral acids, THF and potassium permanganate is in the FSKN lists, so an amateur chemist in Russia more or less has to be clandestine.
In spite of having a reputation for a restrictive environment for home chemists and a high degree of regulation, the laws pertaining to amateur chemistry are rather loosely defined. Instead, a code of practice exists regarding the commercial sale of chemicals and lab equipment. From the Code of Practice for Supply Diversion into Illicit Drug Manufacture,
The National Code of Practice is voluntary with the expectation of self-regulatory arrangements between industry membership, law enforcement agencies and the community. Industry members should be aware, however, that Federal and/or State governments will formalise such guidelines through legislation or regulations if they consider there is insufficient support or adherence under these existing self-regulatory arrangements.
In summary, there is little that a legitimate home chemist would need that is actually illegal to own. There is much however that is watched by law enforcement agencies. Sales of certain chemicals and equipment within the country are monitored. Customs officials monitor imports and alert federal police when they encounter anything that might raise suspicion.
The most common thing that an amateur chemist will encounter is an End User Declaration (EUD). This document must be completed to purchase certain items from commercial suppliers. It is important to note that the EUD is actually a regulation targeting suppliers and not users. The result is that many suppliers will not sell to non-commercial entities or will simply not sell some chemicals and equipment.
The second most common thing an amateur chemist can expect is a "friendly visit" from police if they learn from customs that watched items have been purchased. Undoubtedly these visits transform into raids and arrests if clandestine drug labs are encountered. Anecdotal accounts from ScienceMadness members indicate that, for a legitimate hobbyist, the visit involves an interview and a cursory inspection to confirm that the home lab is not being used for illicit activity.
The main concern is the manufacture of illicit drugs but precursors for energetic compounds are also watched. Relevant documentation and legislation includes:
Code of Practice for Supply Diversion into Illicit Drug Manufacture
The Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Acts 1989 and 1990