Hello dear sciencers,
I have a project for which i need some help with the isomers of the product produced and probably the overall procedure, im thinking of chlorinating
catechol in chloroform using NaCl/Oxone with 1,2 eq. exess to 1,2dihydroxybenzene, washing well with water to remove any Oxone or Salt traces and
destill off chloroform, it seems 4Chlorocatechol is solid with m.p off 90.5C, so i expect the final product to crystalize in the flask afther the
Here comes my first brain zaps that asks me, woud all other isomers or dichlorinated prodcuts (byproducts) produced woud be solids too and afther a FC
acylation with AlCl3 and Propionic Chloride, what woud mostly produce ? The yield is not much important im thinking of using a cooling bath with snow
xd, will try to keep the temperature below 60C what isomers woud mostly be produced(does the temperature matter or somethink in the FC to boost the
yield of the desired product), can someone enlighten me on this question the ratio in 2Chloro3,4OH, 4Cloro-2,3OH and the 5Cloro3,4OH probably ratio ?
Thinking on posting my first photo synthesis here with this reaction and the yield produced, woud be very thanksfull if anyone know what ratio of
isomers and m.p that i will produce and will the chlorine atom iterfere with the methylenation using DCM.
the procedure for methylenation that i will use will be this :
Many thanks to all wiling to help my research