The preparation of organic compounds
Barnett, E. de Barry , 1912, p60
For the preparation of monochloracetic acid by
heating acetic acid with sulphuryl chloride under
pressure, the reader is referred to D.R.P. 146,796;
160,102 ; and 162,894 ; or at the ordinary pressure in presence of acetyl chloride, D.R.P. 157,816. The yields
are said to be excellent.
D.R.P. 157,816=DE157816C
1, acetic acid with sulfuryl chlorid + acetyl chloride, industrial scale
3, n-butyric acid + sulfuryl chlorid + acetyl chloride = alpha chlorobutyric acid, (2-chlorobutyric acid)
4, n-butyric acid + sulfuryl chlorid + butyryl chloride or butyric anhydride to chlorobutyric acid
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