For me, it's kind of being able to experiment and increase my knowledge, without the formal constraints of a University lab.
Say, for instance, right now I'm crystalizing CuSO4, trying to improve the procedure in every single, small aspect. In a University Setting, I
probably wouldn't be able to run 10+ crystallizations just for the sake of studying something in detail, specially not without a formal research
project. This is perfectly reasonable: The University has to be careful where to spend its funds.
On a home lab I can easily do my own, personal research. I can run small experiments which woudln't really make it all the way to a research project.
And hence I can greatly increase my knowledge and understanding of chemistry.
I'd also suggest mentioning how amateur science is SAFE when done right. I've never had a single accident in my Home Lab, because I always look out
for safety. Try and dispell the "You're gonna wind up burning your house down" misconception.