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Author: Subject: Detonating NG

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Registered: 15-9-2003
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[*] posted on 4-10-2003 at 08:40
Detonating NG

Hi I've got some NG. I want to make a little bomb with it using a small brass tube. What should detonate NG? I know it's a dangerous stuff but I'll take all the necessary precautions.
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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 4-10-2003 at 09:30

NG is perculiar. i always do this(i got this idea from brainfever's page): take a straw, put HMTD or AP in it, secure a fuse and all on. wrap some paper toowel around it, not too much, secure with tape. saturate the paper towel with NG useing an eye dropper. wrap a little more tape around to cover it. always works well.

i would advise to absorb it in something. sience NG is liquid, when subjecting it to a shockwave, it moves and splashes, not takeing much of it, ive seen quite a few cases where people tried setting off sseveral milliliters of pure NG and failing, shockwave's website, whichi dont have a link to, has a page with a failed NG det of this sort.

[Edited on 10/4/03 by Madog]

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[*] posted on 24-10-2003 at 12:59

My NG can barely be detonated by a hit with a hammer....and I mean a HIT!
I have to hit is square and as hard as I can (whether in liquid form or soaked into some cellulose.
But when it does decide to detonate.........Holly Shit!
Anyways Ive always heard of NG being sooo sensitive. Why?

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National Hazard

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[*] posted on 24-10-2003 at 13:07

This forum is about the chemistry of explosives, not "blowing shit up." Locked.

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